Saturday, August 8, 2020

How can Fr.Timoner, Master General of the Dominicans and member of the International Theological Commission, Vatican, allow the Angelicum University in Rome to legally disinvite (rescind the matriculatioin/enrollment) of Catholic students or seminarians who do not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a false break with Catholic Tradition? Why is it necessary legally for a Catholic student to lie his Faith ? This is discrimination based upon religion at a pontifical university supported by the Dominicans, the Vatican and the Rome municipality. The professors have to lie to keep their teaching job. This is expected of them by the pontifical university and the Dominicans.They have to re-interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II.

 How can Fr.Timoner, Master General of the Dominicans and member of the International Theological Commission, Vatican, allow the Angelicum University in Rome to legally disinvite (rescind the matriculatioin/enrollment) of Catholic students or seminarians who do not interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a false break with Catholic Tradition?

Why is it necessary legally for a Catholic student to lie his Faith ? This is discrimination based upon religion at a pontifical university supported by the Dominicans, the Vatican and the Rome municipality.

The professors have to lie to keep their teaching job. This is expected of them by the pontifical university and the Dominicans.They have to re-interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II.-Lionel Andrades

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