Tuesday, September 22, 2020

If Archbishop Carlo Vigano assumes Vatican Council II is schismatic because of LG 16 etc he has made a mistake . LG 16 refers to a hypothetical case for me. So it is an exception to Tradition. The Council Fathers ( Cushing, Rahner, Ratzinger etc) made a mistake. They should not have mentioned LG 16 in the text of Vatican Council II. In principle they assumed that hypothetical cases were objective exceptions to EENS.

 If Archbishop Carlo Vigano assumes Vatican Council II is schismatic  because of LG 16  etc he has made a mistake . LG 16 refers to a hypothetical case for me. So it is an exception to Tradition. The Council Fathers ( Cushing, Rahner, Ratzinger etc) made a mistake. They should not have mentioned LG 16 in the text of Vatican Council II. In principle they assumed that hypothetical cases were objective exceptions to EENS. -Lionel Andrades

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