Tuesday, September 22, 2020

If there is an apple in a box of oranges the apple is an exception since it is different but also because it exists in that box.If it was not there it would not be an exception.Similarly Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance) in Vatican Council II cannot be an exception to 16th century EENS. Since it refers to an invisible case.It is always hypothetical and theoretical.An exception to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church must exist.The exception, he or she , must be a concrete, real person, someone known.Yet for Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider, LG 16 would be an exception to the Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors, EENS etc.This is also the mistake of the liberals.


If there is an apple in a box of oranges the apple is an exception since it is different but also because it exists in that box.If it was not there it would not be an exception.Similarly Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance) in Vatican Council II cannot be an exception to 16th century EENS. Since it refers to an invisible case.It is always hypothetical and theoretical.An exception to exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church must exist.The exception, he or she , must be a concrete, real person, someone known.Yet for Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider, LG 16 would be an exception to the Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errors, EENS etc.This is also the mistake of the liberals. -Lionel Andrades

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