Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Catholics must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II


OCTOBER 27, 2020

The ecclesiastics in the diocese of Commachio-Ferrara, Italy and Mons. Libanori, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicariate in Rome, who together suppressed a religious community of priests in Ferrara, must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus ) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II.They must clarify their doctrinal position for the priests whom they had transferred.

 OCTOBER 27, 2020

Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci, Bishop of Manchester, USA, his Chancellor, Meredith Cook, and Juridical Vicar Fr. Georges de Laire, must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions in 2020), since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II. Practically they indicate, in their correspondence with the St. Benedict Center,New Hampshire, that there are known exceptions to EENS. This is unethical and dishonest.

OCTOBER 27, 2020

The organisers and speakers at the Catholic Identity Conference in the USA must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( EENS with no known exceptions in 1965-2020 ) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II.

OCTOBER 27, 2020

Una Voce International, the Latin Mass Societies,Lepanto Foundation and organisations associated with Summorum Pontificum, must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions in 2020), since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II



OCTOBER 27, 2020

The FSSP priests at the church Santissima Trinita dei Pelligrini, Rome, where Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke offered the Latin Mass last Saturday, must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions in 2020) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II


OCTOBER 27, 2020

Bishop Bernard Fellay and the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Fr. Davide Pagliarani, must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( EENS as supported in the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 ) and since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II.

 OCTOBER 27, 2020

Pope Francis and the 13 new cardinals need to announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions in 2020) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II


OCTOBER 27, 2020

The Vatican and Rome Vicariate must confirm that Catholics could affirm the strict interpretation of the EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no known exceptions in 2020) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II. The Church made a mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case and needs to apologise for it

OCTOBER 27, 2020
The organisations associated with the Traditional Latin Mass in Italy must announce that they affirm the strict interpretation of EENS ( extra ecclesiam nulla salus without known exceptions) since practically they do not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II.

OCTOBER 27, 2020

Bishop Athanasius Schneider must announce that he affirms the strict interpretation of EENS( extra ecclesiam nulla salus) since practically he does not know of any exceptions and there are none mentioned in Vatican Council II. Lumen Gentium 16 refers, always, to a hypothetical case. Hypothetical and invisible cases are always theoretical.

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