Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Integrierte Gemeinde is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are ovelooking it

 Pope Benedict has stated that he has disassociated himself from the community Integrierte Gemeinde, when as the Archbishop of Munich he approved the community granting them canonical status.

October 26, 2020 (LifeSitenews) – “Spiritual abuse” is one of the epithets given to the group by the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. And although he was warned by several people, Benedict says he never knew about this, but now has regrets.

new article published in Germany raises questions as to whether Pope Benedict XVI acted irresponsibly as the archbishop of Munich-Freising and later as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and then-Pope with regard to a Catholic community whom he himself had given its canonical status. In 1978, he had authorized the canonical status of the Integrated Community (Integrierte Gemeinde) in Munich. The group is now accused by a diocesan commission of intruding into the personal lives of its members. For example, the leadership of the group “decided whether and when a couple would or should have children.” This rule sometimes led to the fact that a couple waited too long and remained childless. Other couples were told to divorce. According to sources, Joseph Ratzinger was at least twice warned, in 2000 and in 2001, even before he became Pope in 2005.

After his years in the Archdiocese of Munich (1977-1982), Ratzinger maintained close relationships with this group long after he had been called to Rome to head the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in 1982, and even as a Pope he still gave them privileges, for example by allowing the establishment of the Chair for the Theology of the People of God at the Pontifical Lateran University. That chair was established during his pontificate, in 2008, and it was a continuation of the Academy of the Theology of the People of God that had been founded in 2003 by Ratzinger himself. The new chair in Rome was then headed by one of Ratzinger's own students, Professor Ludwig Weimer, who wrote his post-graduate thesis under him. Both Weimer and his successor, Professor Achim Buckenmaier, are members of the Integrated Community.


Pope Benedict can be seen smiling with a member of the Integrierte Gemeinde in the following photo.

Integrierte Gemeinde is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II and Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are ovelooking it. -Lionel Andrades


 NOVEMBER 9, 2020

Integrated Community (Integrierte Gemeinde) like Pope Benedict is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II


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