Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Integrierte Gemeinde's new ecumenism and new inter-religious dialogue is Ratzingerian


The New Theology of the  Integrierte Gemeinde is Ratzingerian.With a false premise a New Theology is created saying that there is salvation outside the Church. So there is no more the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Similarly the Athanasius Creed which states all need to be Catholic is also made obsolete with the New Theology.With exclusive salvation eliminated there is a New Ecclesiology, a new understanding of Church.

With ecclesiology changed, traditional mission doctrine is obsolete and the ecumenism of return is also made obsolete by the Ratzingerians. The proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the non separation of Church and State is made irrelevant with the conclusion that there is salvation outside the Church.The homilies at Mass are now limited.

Cardinal Ratzinger is not the inventor of the New Theology .It was from the error in the Baltimore Catechism, the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) and then Vatican Council II, that we have the New Theology based upon a false premise. The false premise, confusing what is invisible as being visible, creates a non traditional conclusion.

LOHO was referenced in Vatican Council II. Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith did not correct the error in the Church,.He further referenced it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. His friend Fr. Karl Rahner sj had earlier placed the Letter of the Holy Office, with its objective error, which cannot be Magisterial , in the Denzinger.

Integrierte Gemeinde teaches that Jews do not need to convert into the Church based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise. They also teach that Christians, in  other Christian commnities do not need to convert into the Catholic Church.This too is based upon the New Theology created with the false premise.Since there is salvation outside the Church for them there is a New Ecumenism.-Lionel Andrades 

NOVEMBER 9, 2020

Integrated Community (Integrierte Gemeinde) like Pope Benedict is teaching theology at the John Lateran and Regina Apostolurum University, Rome with the false interpretation of Vatican Council II


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