Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The first time I went on a conservative Catholic Internet forum some 15 years back, I was banned. Since I affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS they thought I had rejected Vatican Council II. They were correct I had rejected Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) but I affirmed Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) , so I had not rejected the Council. But they only knew of a Vatican Council II (Cushingite)

 The first time I went on a conservative Catholic Internet forum some 15 years back, I was banned. Since I affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS they thought I had rejected Vatican Council II. They were correct I had rejected Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) but I affirmed Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) , so I had not rejected the Council.

But they only knew of a Vatican Council II (Cushingite). -Lionel Andrades

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