Wednesday, November 4, 2020

If the traditionalists had read the blog Eucharist and Mission (Lionel's Blog) and implemented the suggestions the doctrinal issue at Fischer More College could have been set aside. 1) The Fischer More College and Bishop Olsen would have been asked to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. There would be no rupture with Tradition and no denial of Vatican Council(without the false premise). 2) If Bishop Olsen refused to accept Vatican Council II without the false premise and refuse to affirm Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc) then the onus for solving the doctrinal problem lay with him and not the FMC

 If the traditionalists had read the blog Eucharist and Mission (Lionel's Blog) and implemented  the suggestions  the doctrinal issue  at Fischer More College could have been set aside.

1) The Fischer More College and Bishop Olsen would have been asked to interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. There would be no rupture with Tradition and no denial of Vatican Council(without the false premise)

2) If Bishop Olsen refused to accept Vatican Council II without the false premise and refuse to affirm Tradition ( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc) then the onus for solving the doctrinal problem lay with him and not the FMC.-Lionel Andrades

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