Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Passion Of The Christ Soundtrack 11 Crucifixion


There is such a powerful force in this track!!! I can’t help but cry every time I hear it!!! Praised be our Lord Jesus-Christ!!!

Black Samurai 7
He is coming back again

Anastasia Yulianti
I hear this when in quarantine 2020. It give me chill.
Jano Janito
"I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in me, even though he is dead, will live." John 11:2

This song gives me chills. You think He's dead and the devil has won but at 0:59, our Savior rises and conquers death. I get a flash of what that moment meant for the world, for human history, for me. Through the ages this risen Jesus Christ has prevailed- not just in the Word but in the writing, the art and in the hearts of people for these last 2,000 years. You can deny He was who He said He was - the Son of God, that is your choice, but you cannot deny this Man split B.C. from A.D., images of this Jesus are found in the paintings of the masters, from the Sistine Chapel to Salvador Dali. He was written about in ancient texts and writings of Him have grown exponentially in the last two centuries. He is the subject of songs as numerous as grains of sand in the sea. This Man who claimed to be the Son of God and said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,", He is my Savior!

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