Monday, February 8, 2021

Another politically Left discussion is held by CMTV on Vatican Council II : there are no references to the interpreting of the Council II without the false premise

 For both leftist Catholics and those who hold to the fullness of the Church's teachings, the Second Vatican Council is a line of demarcation in both Western culture and the Church.

To leftist Catholics, the council brought the Church out of the dark ages of medieval thinking and stands as the final word in what it means to be a Catholic in the modern world. At the same time, those who adhere to the fullness of the Church's teachings, referred to as "traditionalists," see an apparent break with the past and the Church in decline and crisis.

The council was inaugurated by Pope John XXIII in 1962 and completed by Pope Paul VI in 1965. It was a time of expectation and excitement because many Catholics were told the doors and windows of the Church would be thrown open. The dust would be blown out of theological and philosophical corners and the Church would modernize.

The results of the overindulgence following the council — including the loss of millions of souls from the Church — are evident.-Church Militant TV, The Download

The Download


Implementing confusion and apostasy.

This is their stereotype angle on Vatican Council II. Of course we know that Vatican Council II with the false premise has caused confusion but CMTV can still interpret the Council without the false premise. They can do it today or discuss it. But they do not.Since if they affirmed the Council without the false premise it would mean that they would be affirming Feeneyite EENS and they do not want to do this.

Paul Murano, D.Min. is a staff writer/producer for Church Militant. He has two master's degrees (in Philosophy and Theology) and a doctorate, and is certified in Medical Ethics. His background is in teaching colleges and universities, hosting radio and television programs, and writing monthly columns for a regional newspaper. He is unable to comment on the Council interpreted with or without the false premise.

The panel is interpreting the Council like the liberals, they use the false premise.The Download panel is still implementing confusion and apostasy.-Lionel Andrades

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