Monday, February 8, 2021

What is the Aquinas Institute? : Dominicans in the United Kingdom are politically correct with the Left but they reject traditional Dominican theology and that of St. Thomas Aquinas

It is important to know that St.Thomas Aquinas affirmed the strict  interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which is denied by these liberal Dominicans at Blackfriars, Oxford University.
The Dominicans in the U.K interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a rupture with Aquinas' understanding of their being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The traditional ecclesiology of the Catholic Church is not held by the 20 Friars who live here and who claim they support the truth according to St. Thomas Aquinas. 
The Dominican professors here are authors of books on Vatican Council II which are written by interpreting the Council II with a fake premise. This is politically correct with the Left - but it is not St. Thomas Aquinas. -Lionel Andrades

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Welcome to the Aquinas Institute, promoting the thought of Thomas Aquinas, and research into his ideas and their contemporary value. Located in the University of Oxford, we help introduce Aquinas to new scholars in various disciplines.

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