Monday, February 8, 2021

In the churches of Italy this month, Catechesis is being done by interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise and inference, interpreting the Catechism of the Catholic Chuch with the same irrationality, rejecting extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed with the same false premise,re interpreting all the past Catechisms with a fake premise... this is not the Catholic Church

 In the churches of Italy this month, Catechesis is being done by interpreting Vatican Council II with the fake premise and inference, interpreting the Catechism of the Catholic Chuch with the same irrationality, rejecting extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed with the same false premise,re interpreting all the past Catechisms with a fake premise... this is not the Catholic Church. 

Though within this Church we still have Holy Mass, the Eucharist and Marian devotion. They have not taken all this from us.The theology is new and false but the sprituality is still there.

Really, the old theology too is still there in private for those who want it at Mass in Italian.Without the false premise we return to the old Catechesis irrespective of the liturgy or Rite of the Mass. - Lionel Andrades

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