Friday, March 5, 2021

Cardinal Cupich is interpreting Vatican Council II and Lumen Gentium with the common mistake. No one has corrected him.

Cardinal Cupich is interpreting Vatican Council II and Lumen Gentium with the common mistake. No one has corrected him.
He interprets LG 8, LG 14 and LG 16 as being exceptions to EENS and exclusive salvation in the Church. 
So he implies  that these are objective cases.They are practical exceptions. If they were invisible cases as they are for me, they would not be exceptions to the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
He has  used the false premise to interpret Lumen Gentium .
There is no false premise for me. Why should I use his irrationality to interpret the Council ? It would be dishonest.
-Lionel Andrades

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