Friday, March 5, 2021

This is the New Evangelisation in theology and doctrines created with a false premise. It is Ratzingerian and implemented by Pope Francis


The New Evangelisation is based upon the interpretation of Vatican Council II with the false premise so every one does not need to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation. Since there is salvation outside the Church for Pope Benedict. Hypothetical cases were objective examples  of salvation for him, Cardinal Ruini and Cardinal Schonborn, when they initiated this New Evangelisation based upon new doctrines.

It means non Catholics do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation ( they could if they want to) and the past obligation, with the Magisterial teaching on  exclusive salvation, was no more there.

Since outside the Church there was salvation for Pope Benedict, in his interpretation of Vatican Council II, Catholics do not necessarily have to accept Jesus as their Saviour or even know about him. If they are saved they are saved through Jesus and the Church(CCC 846).

Jesus can be proclaimed with this 'new revelation', the 'new Gospel' which contradicts the interpretation of the old one.All this is possible because in theology a new premise is used. 

Now the Catholic faith can be proclaimed in a non controversial way,  in a multi cultural and multi religious environment. Even non Catholics can be asked to teach Catholic students and to receive a Catholic academic degree in theology, from a pontifical university.Since outside the Church there is known salvation they would be saved in their religion while following the tenets of their faith.

Practically, now there are joint mission programs, with other Christian denominations, which according to the past Magisterium over the centuries,  would be outside the Church. This is possible today since outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation.This is the New Theology, based upon the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, and other Magisterial documents ( Creeds, Catechisms, EENS etc).

This is the New Evangelisation in theology and doctrine in the Catholic Church. It is Ratzingerian and is implemented by Pope Francis. -Lionel Andrades

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