Saturday, June 19, 2021

Annual parish fete tomorrow - stall needed for Catechesis

Tomorrow is the annual feast of the parish, there will be a fete, with music and plenty to eat and drink and people whom you didn't see throughout the year will be there. This would be a good opportunity to have a stall for the evening.The Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II says all it takes is one mortal sin for a soul to go to Hell.One un-Confessed mortal sin of masturbation and pornography for a soul to go to Hell.Immodesty in clothes and hate ( not the political version)  are mortal sins, and so are fornication, adultery and not choosing to be a Catholic.

If I was given a selling-booth for the evening there would be trouble.The distribution of pamphlets are not allowed so there would have to be a way to say that the Romanian singer with the low-V blouse will be in trouble after she dies...there will be burning fire.

Immodesty in clothes is a mortal sin and it takes people to the fires of Hell.People do not know this. It can be seen by the clothes they wear and do not wear.

Most of the people who are present were not there at the obligatory-Sunday Mass when the church was open over the months.Not attending Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin.

Since most of the people there would probably not be going to Heaven, given the odds of the situation,I would be burdened to have to describe Hell. It would have to be a major subject of my Catechetical booth.

Then I would have to tell the non-Catholics  there at the fair that they are going to the same place after they die- as where many of  the Catholic parishioners are going.They need to give up their religion and accept Jesus in the Catholic Church and live  the teachings of the Catholic Church, which do not change.

In this way I would proclaim the Faith to those who are outside the Catholic Church ( non Catholics) and those who voluntarily stay outside the Church, due to their attachments, lack of knowledge of Hell or whatever other reason( Catholics).Both have the same destination.

They would have to be told to come to church at least on Sundays and pray, even though the priest is not allowed to speak about morals,sin and Hell- which has fire and is non-stop.

Without the Sacrament of Confession , the assistance of the Eucharist and regular and consistent prayer from the heart,it would be difficult to fight Satan, our Enemy - and not be a slave to sin,addictions, uncontrollable personalies and temperaments, negative feelings  and states, unwanted emotions which dominate life, obsessions and forms of possession etc, etc.All this is nothing compared to the burning, uncomfortable fires of Hell. -Lionel Andrades

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