Saturday, June 19, 2021

Changing the meaning of the Creeds is serious stuff

 John Henry Weston interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise so there is a rupture with the Creeds. The Athanasius Creed has to be rejected and the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed changed. So his Profession of Fatih has changed.It's different from mine.Changing the meaning of the Creeds is modernism.It is not enough to recite the Creed at Holy Mass and have something new, an innovation in your mind.

His recitation of the Oath Against Modernism would be meaningless. He is a public-modernist.Is not giving a new meaning to the Creeds a sin? Is this not the stuff of automatic excommunication ? Is this not a mortal sin of faith? Are there not some de fide teachings of the Church which are obligatory for all Catholics to believe in ? -Lionel Andrades

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