Friday, June 18, 2021

Michael Davies' error was never corrected by Cardinal Ratzinger

 As Michael Davies rightly remarks, there was corruption among the Catholic clergy at the time of the ‘Reformation’, but the reason why the heretics and schismatics left the Church was not this, but their heterodoxy. ‘There is, therefore no basis whatsoever for an apology by the Catholic Church for the sin of schism when this sin was entirely on the Protestant side. No Catholic, by definition, can ever be in schism or guilty of the sin of schism’ .

 One should add that in any case ‘sins of separation’ or of ‘disunity’ cannot be imputed to the Church Who is Holy and Immaculate (as we have explained at the beginning of the essay); nor did She show Herself hostile to dissidents, but only defined and decried their separation by anathemata and excommunications, which, far from being sins, in reality constitute acts of mercy, as calls to the heretic to return to the one and only salvific sheep-fold.

Michael Davies, like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, did not know that Vatican Council II can be interpreted  with a rational premise, inference and conclusion.Now this truth is there before us. He had overlooked the mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.

So he read Vatican Council II with the fake premise like the popes and the liberals.The Council had to contradict the old ecumenism of return for him, This error, of his was not noticed by him all his life and was not corrected by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. -Lionel Andrades

“The Council and the Eclipse of God” Part XI “How the Council jettisoned true Catholic Evangelisation for shallow Ecumenism” by Don Pietro Leone

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