Friday, June 18, 2021

In my parish the priests and parishioners interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion , so there is no tension for them

 In my parish the priests and parishioners interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion , so there is no tension for them.  -Lionel Andrades

JUNE 17, 2021

There are good priests in my parish but they interpret the Creeds and Magisterial documents irrationally : St. Alphonsus Liguori says do not go up to receive the Eucharist from a priest in public mortal sin

There are good priests in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth,Casalotti, Boccea, Rome.However St.Alphonsus Liguori, father of Moral Theology says that if there is a priest in public mortal sin do not go up to receive the Eucharist from him. Since if you do so you would be telling him all is well even though his soul is oriented to Hell. St. Alphonsus says that if there is no other means to fulfill your Sunday obligation, then go up to him to receive the Eucharist at Mass ( Teologia Moralis, Bk.3,N.46).In my parish, like the rest of the diocese, the priests interpret the Creeds irrationally since it is politically correct with the Left and the Vatican.They reject the Athanasius Creed, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors with the same false premise. Then they interpret the Catechisms and Vatican Council II with the same false premise creating a false rupture with Tradition(EENS etc).

How am I to go up to receive the Eucharist from them ? -Lionel Andrades

JUNE 16, 2021

God is love but Hell exists

The other day at Mass in Italian at the church Santa Maria di Nazareth,Casalotti, Boccea,  Rome, the priest said that God has no favorites, he loves everyone. The rain falls on everyone and the sun shines on everyone, "good and bad". Therefore we must love everyone, was his message.

Yes, we must love everyone, but Hell exists and not everyone will go to Heaven. Priests are not allowed to speak of Hell.The  Vicariate of Rome and the Vatican have not given them permission. Pope Benedict also forbade seminarians from mentioning Hell.

In the churches of Rome the priests are not allowed to talk about morality, sin and Hell. They had not been allowed, in all these years, to talk about the sins of morality and the sins of faith and lack of faith.

They must also give the Eucharist to all.This would indicate that there are no mortal sins of faith and morals for them. So if someone has a vocation to the religious life in Rome, he would give up,discouraged.He would not become a priest seeing,the general incohrence approved by the political Left for the Catholic Church.

The leftist  state decides morals. An Italian carabinieri and diplomat was killed in a third world country a few months ago and he was offered a state funeral Mass. The Mass was held at the Basilica Santa Maria di Angeli, Piazza Repubblica, Rome. Members of the government were present, as well as the victim's non-Christian wife. 

This was political. The message was that there is no faith and morals for the leftist government in Italy. The Vicar General of the Vicariate of Rome offered Mass and condoled with all the families, in Italy and abroad. The deceased was in a public mortal sin of faith in public.There was a funeral Mass and it was televised.

In Rome, the government has confiscated churches. They are overseen by a government-approved lay committee, in coordination with the Parish Priest or Rector. There is a plaque on the front door of the churches, saying the church belongs to the government.

The leftist church and the leftist  state are not separate for the government. There was no funeral mass for Erich Preibike, who was not in public mortal sin. They did even allow his corpse to be buried or cremated. There is no love for the left. They judge and condemn.There was no forgiveness or love-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 12, 2021

If the priests do not deny the Catholic faith in the parish they will be punished

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