Saturday, July 10, 2021

If the SSPX, FSSP and Franciscans of the Immaculate address the issue of the fake premise and so reject the New Theology, probably they too would be suppressed like the Movimento Apostolico and Maria Madre della Redenzionene.


Video: Consecration of women of the suppressed community in Catanzaro,Italy.During the prayers they would pray for Pope Francis and the ecclesiastics of the Church.They took the three vows before the Archbishop of Catanzaro.

 The Congregation for the Laity and the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples is approved by the Left, so the communities in Catanzaro, South Italy suppressed , could have got have got into trouble by rejecting Vatican Council II, interpreted with the fake premise, and gone back to Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors, Athanasius Creed etc). This is even though they attend Holy Mass in Italian and not Latin.

So the two lay communities, including consecrated  women, would not be politically correct  with the Left which approves the false  premise, inference and conclusion in the interpretation of Magisterial documents.So new salvation doctrines  have been created which are approved by the bishops, cardinals and Pope Francis.

The whole issue has been kept secret in the Church and there are no details given out on the specific errors of the communities, so that they could be avoided in future. An issue seems the New Evangelisation based upon the false premise.

Similarly a Charismatic group in Malta was abruptly suppressed some months back,   with no details made in public.It could be assumed that their theology was not liberal and so not legally correct with the Left.

Come to think of it, if they were really inspired by the Holy Spirit, they would  not use the fake premise, inference and conclusion of Pope Francis  and Pope Benedict.

The New Theology has been approved by the ecclesiastics but it is not inspired by the Holy Spirit, since it is built on a fake premise.So it cannot be Magisterial.The popes, since Pius XII have over looked the error.

So the suppression of the two communities of Catanzero,with details not given out, could be a sign of their authenticity, as when for example, Padre Pio was silenced by the ecclesiastics, officially.

The Decree against the lay communities, approved by Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF),indicates, that all future approved, lay and religious communities, will have to be Christocentric and not ecclesiocentric. They will have to break with Catholic Tradition on faith and morals. They have to be anti-Christ, as Christ and His Church was known to the Magisterium over the centuries.

Interestingly, the lay communities suppressed accepted Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office(CDF) 1949, just like the ecclesiastics, liberals and traditionalists. The theology of Vatican Council II is based upon the fake premise of the LOHO, which creates the New Theology, used by even the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) and the sedevancantists (CMRI,MHFM etc).This is unknown to them.So in a confused way Bishop Bernard Fellay could say that the SSPX accepts 90% of Vatican Council II and at the other times that the SSPX rejects the Council.No one would address the issue of the fake premise which creates ‘the heremeneutic of rupture’ with Tradition(Syllabus of Errors etc).

If the SSPX, FSSP and Franciscans of the Immaculate address the issue of the fake premise and so reject the New Theology, probably they too would be suppressed like the Movimento Apostolico and Maria Madre della Redenzione.-Lionel Andrades

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