Saturday, August 28, 2021

France, Germany, Poland and Hungary need to interpret the baptism of desire (LG 14) like Bishop Athansius Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall


AUGUST 4, 2021

Poland and Hungary need to adopt the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II



Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 make a factual mistake ?

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II affirms the Social Kingship of Christ the King

Questions and Answers : Evangelizing with Vatican Council II

Questions and Answers : Vatican Council II is Feeneyite. It has an exclusivist ecclesiology


The present 'Magisterium' supports the political Left on doctrine and has also made a factual mistake

If ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) is considered visible or invisible decides heresy

The theology of the Magisterium has gone off the rails. It is bad theology to assume there are objective cases on earth, in the present times, of people who are in Heaven

Every one needs to be a Catholic : Those who are taught or not taught, those who know or do not know about the Church, will be decided by Jesus

It is the magisterium which has contradicted itself

The Holy Office 1949 made a mistake. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani assumed there are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus - Cantarella, CathInfo forum

At one of the two times, the magisterium has to be wrong 

DECEMBER 12, 2019

Directors of Periodica de re canonica,the journal of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University interpret Vatican Council II irrationally : so they would discriminate against conservative students

DECEMBER 12, 2019


Canonists and speakers at the Archisodalitium, Curiae Romanae conferences overlook deception in the interpretation of Magisterial documents

DECEMBER 13, 2019

To reject a conservative Catholic student, who affirms EENS, Vatican Council II, all the Catechisms and the Syllabus of Errors is unfair. It is unfair to tell him that Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally, contradicts Tradition

DECEMBER 11, 2019

Image result for Photo Angelium University   RomeImage result for Photo Gregorian  Rome

Irrationality would also be part of the religious formation of Catholic members of the judiciary in Italy

DECEMBER 11, 2019

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve a doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest




OCTOBER 1, 2018
Polish Government must not use Pope Benedict's writings as a reference : does not affirm Social Reign of Christ the King and non separation of Church and State, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.or Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) which is the basis for the past ecclesiology of the Church

 SEPTEMBER 27, 2018

Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the error and this could be the official interpretation of the Council by the CDF

 OCTOBER 2, 2018

When the Catholic Church in Hungary and Poland affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) then the Church's doctrine and theology would be the same as during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

Lionel Andrades
Promoter of the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II.Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.
Catholic lay man in Rome,
Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial.
It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms.There can be two interpretations.
Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, non traditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional ?
Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission )

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