Saturday, December 18, 2021

The interpretation of Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise is approved by the Left. It is ideological.It is not Catholic.It cannot be Magisterial since it is based upon an objective error which can still be avoided today.


The interpretation of Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise is approved by the Left. It is ideological.It is not Catholic.It cannot be Magisterial since it is based upon an objective error which can still be avoided today.

 By Hannah Brockhaus

 Lionel: He refers to Vatican Council II interpreted with a False Premise and not Vatican Council II interpreted with a Rational Premise. The conclusion of  both of them is different. One is non traditional and the other is traditional. So the lex orandi and lex credendi would also be different. Why should we have a lex  orandi and lex credendi with the Council interpreted with a Fake Premise ? Why should we accept an irrational, schismatic and heretical interpretation of the Council when when a rational, traditional and non schismatic version is available ? 

In one of the responses, the Divine Worship congregation said that according to Traditionis custodes, sacraments cannot be celebrated using the liturgical books Rituale Romanum and the Pontificale Romanum promulgated prior to the Vatican II reforms.

Lionel: Since for him Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise would create alleged practical exceptions for the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Church, there would be a rupture for example with the 1580 Roman Missal.But if he chose Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise there would not be a rupture with the theology and ecclesiology of the Roman Missal.

He wants to create a false and political new ecclesiology in the Church and so is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and then  blaming the liturgy of the Latin Mass.

“In implementing these provisions, care should be taken to accompany all those rooted in the previous form of celebration towards a full understanding of the value of the celebration in the ritual form given to us by the reform of the Second Vatican Council,” the document said. 

Lionel : He means respect the false ecclesiology created by Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise, which he calls 'the reform'. 


“This should take place through an appropriate formation that makes it possible to discover how the reformed liturgy is the witness to an unchanged faith, the expression of a renewed ecclesiology, and the primary source of spirituality for Christian life.”

Lionel: He means with Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise there is a reformed liturgy for him since the Roman Ritual of 1580 is obsolete. He falsely refers to an 'unchanged faith.' The faith has been changed with a new ecumenism, indifferentism in inter-religous dialogue and schism with the past Magisterium. This change in the faith was possible by interpreting Vatican Council II as a break with the past de fide teachings which support an ecclesiocentrism in the Catholic Church.He can correct the error.He can still interpret the Council with the Rational  Premise and we will return to the unchanged faith of the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.


“As pastors we must not lend ourselves to sterile polemics, capable only of creating division, in which the ritual itself is often exploited by ideological viewpoints,” he said.

Lionel : The interpretation of Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise is approved by the  Left. It is ideological.It is not Catholic.It cannot be Magisterial since it is based upon an objective error which can still be avoided today.


Deacons and other instituted ministries participating in the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass need to have the permission of their bishop.

The Vatican said it wanted to ensure that priests who wish to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass “share the desire of the Holy Father” that the Vatican II reform of the liturgy is recognized “as the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.”

Lionel: The ecclesiology of Vatican Council II in Traditionis Custode is obsolete since we now know that the Council can be interpreted with the Rational Premise and the conclusion is traditional.The bishop is morally  obligated to interpret Vatican Council II and the Creeds and Catechisms with the Rational Premise.-Lionel Andrades

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