Saturday, December 18, 2021

Young Vocations supporting traditional exclusivist Catholic Mission based upon Vatican Councl II ( rational )


Young vocations for the religious life must know that based upon Vatican Council II ( rational ) the Church still teaches an exclusivist ecumenism and an ecclesiocentric inter-religious dialogue, which is part of traditional mission, like in the 16th century. The Church still is traditional as in the 12 the century since Vatican Council II (rational) is traditional.

Young Catholics must know that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell without faith and the baptism of water and there are no practical examples of the baptism of desire (LG 14), invincible ignorance (LG 16), a good conscience (LG 16), seeds of the Word which save (AG 11), good and holy things in other religions which save (NA 2) etc.Practically we cannot know of any one being saved outside the Church. The norm for salvation is faith and the baptism of water (John 3:5, Mark 16:16 etc). So we have the Great Commission to go out into the whole world and proclaim the Good News – about the Sacrifice of the One who saves from Hell. He saves those who believe in Him alone and who live his traditional teachings in the Catholic Church, His Mystical Body, outside of which there is no salvation.

Since there is exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II ( rational) interpreted with the Rational Premise, inter-religious dialogue and ecumenism are part of the Great Commission and Catholic Mission.

We are a missionary Church. This is not the New Evangelization of the popes Benedict and Francis and the Jewish Left. Their New Evangelization has its foundation in Vatican Council II interpreted with a Fake Premise. So there are alleged practical exceptions for extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican, reject. So for the CDF the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church is made obsolete with the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, with the common Fake Premise.

They support a vague Christocentrism instead of the traditional Ecclesiocentrism, as they work for the creation of a new one world religion, without mortal sins of adultery and fornication along with liberals in other Christian religions, which condone sins like divorce, contraception, abortion etc.It will be a false Church with a false image of Jesus which will make people who are slaves to sin and Satan, comfortable. The popes are expected to approve it and call it ‘magisterial’.

But we know that with Vatican Council II (rational) the Catholic Church still has its old ecclesiocentric ecclesiology, irrespective of what everyone else around us is saying and doing, within and outside the Church.The Catholic Church still is Missiionary with the same traditional theology and doctrines of the missionaries in the Middle Ages.-Lionel Andrades

OCTOBER 8, 2018

Mission based on a new gospel

Image result for Pope Francis on  Mission Sunday 2018 photo


Together with young people, let us bring the Gospel to all

Dear young people, I would like to reflect with you on the mission that we have received from Christ. In speaking to you, I also address all Christians who live out in the Church the adventure of their life as children of God. 
Lionel: Other Christians are on the way to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church as member( Catechism of Pope Piu X, Cantate Domino Council of Florence 1441, Athanasius Creed, Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II etc).Non Catholics are on the way to Hell according to Vatican Council II interpreted with Feeneyite theology instead of the Cushingite theology of Pope Francis.This was the traditional basis for Mission i.e knowing all non Catholics are oriented to Hell in general and there can be no known exception for us human beings.
But Mission Sunday since 1965 is Cushingite.

What leads me to speak to everyone through this conversation with you is the certainty that the Christian faith remains ever young when it is open to the mission that Christ entrusts to us. “Mission revitalizes faith” (Redemptoris Missio, 2), in the words of Saint John Paul II, a Pope who showed such great love and concern for young people.
Lionel: The theology of Redemptoris Missio is Cushingite. It interprets Vatican Council II with an irrational premise to create a rupture with Tradition.There is a rejection of the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who  put together Redemptoris Missio was a Cushingite.

The Synod to be held in Rome this coming October, the month of the missions, offers us an opportunity to understand more fully, in the light of faith, what the Lord Jesus wants to say to you young people, and, through you, to all Christian communities.
Life is a mission
Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth. To be attracted and to be sent are two movements that our hearts, especially when we are young, feel as interior forces of love; they hold out promise for our future and they give direction to our lives. More than anyone else, young people feel the power of life breaking in upon us and attracting us. To live out joyfully our responsibility for the world is a great challenge. I am well aware of lights and shadows of youth; when I think back to my youth and my family, I remember the strength of my hope for a better future. The fact that we are not in this world by our own choice makes us sense that there is an initiative that precedes us and makes us exist. Each one of us is called to reflect on this fact: “I am a mission on this Earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world” (Evangelii Gaudium, 273).
We proclaim Jesus Christ
Lionel : We proclaim Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came into the world to save all from Hell, who believe in Him and live his teachings in the Catholic Church, His Mystical Body, outside of which there is no salvation.All need to be members of the Catholic Church, with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7) to avoid the fires of Hell.All non Catholics in 2018 with no known exceptions in 2018  are oriented to the fires of Hell.They die without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).
The Catholic Church is the narrow gate( Matt.7:13), it is the Pearl of Great Price(Matt:13:45-46), it is like the Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood(CCC 845).

The Church, by proclaiming what she freely received (cf. Mt 10:8; Acts 3:6), can share with you young people the way and truth which give meaning to our life on this earth.
Lionel: It is false to consider other Christian communities and religions as equal paths to salvation as the Catholic Church and to officially conduct mission along with them as is being done by the Vatican.
The official Mission this month in Rome is syncretic and supports indifferentism.

 Jesus Christ, who died and rose for us, appeals to our freedom and challenges us to seek, discover and proclaim this message of truth and fulfilment.
Lionel: The Catholic Church is no more proclaiming that all non Catholics and non Christians are outside the Church and so are on the way to Hell. It is not calling them to enter the Church for salvation.
This is a rejection of the Gospel while a new Gospel is being preached in the name of Jesus which is heretical, non traditional and non controversial.

 Dear young people, do not be afraid of Christ and his Church!

Do not be afraid of the Catholic Church? The Church has become ideological as is the pope, The Church has rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), rejected the past ecclesiology on salvation, rejected Vatican Council II( Feeneyite)does  not interpret the Catechisms with rational Feeneyism, it has changed the meaning of the Nicene Creed and so there is no controversy, rejected the Athanasius Creed on outside the church no salvation, rejected the ecumenism of return of the Syllabus of Errors...

OCTOBER 6, 2018

The Vatican :'God's appointed authorities' who reject the dogma EENS, reject the past ecclesiology on salvation, reject Vatican Council II, Feeneyite, do not interpret the Catechisms with rational Feeneyism, change the meaning of the Nicene Creed, reject the Athanasius Creed on outside the church no salvation, reject the ecumenism of return of the Syllabus of Errors......God's appointed authorities ?!


 For there we find the treasure that fills life with joy. I can tell you this from my own experience: thanks to faith, I found the sure foundation of my dreams and the strength to realize them. I have seen great suffering and poverty mar the faces of so many of our brothers and sisters. And yet, for those who stand by Jesus, evil is an incentive to ever greater love. Many men and women, and many young people, have generously sacrificed themselves, even at times to martyrdom, out of love for the Gospel and service to their brothers and sisters. 
Lionel: The martyrs went to non Catholic countries and proclaimed the necessity to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church. Since Jesus has died for all, salvation is open to all but to receive this salvation all need to formally enter the Catholic Church.( Dominus Iesus 20, CDF, Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis s,j etc).
These Catholic missionaries chose martyrdom.
Their doctrines are not being proclaimed today by Pope Francis.
Also present day 'missionaries' are only going to Catholic parishes in poor countries and helping the people with humanitarian aid.

From the cross of Jesus we learn the divine logic of self-sacrifice (cf. 1 Cor 1:17-25) as a proclamation of the Gospel for the life of the world (cf. Jn 3:16). To be set afire by the love of Christ is to be consumed by that fire, to grow in understanding by its light and to be warmed by its love (cf. 2 Cor 5:14). At the school of the saints, who open us to the vast horizons of God, I invite you never to stop wondering: “What would Christ do if he were in my place?”
Transmitting the faith to the ends of the earth
You too, young friends, by your baptism have become living members of the Church; together we have received the mission to bring the Gospel to everyone. You are at the threshold of life. To grow in the grace of the faith bestowed on us by the Church’s sacraments plunges us into that great stream of witnesses who, generation after generation, enable the wisdom and experience of older persons to become testimony and encouragement for those looking to the future. And the freshness and enthusiasm of the young makes them a source of support and hope for those nearing the end of their journey. In this blend of different stages in life, the mission of the Church bridges the generations; our faith in God and our love of neighbor are a source of profound unity.
This transmission of the faith, the heart of the Church’s mission, comes about by the infectiousness of love, where joy and enthusiasm become the expression of a newfound meaning and fulfilment in life.
Lionel: The 'faith' which is promoted today by the Catholic Church is ideological. It is Leftist.Doctrines and theology have been compromised.
It is Christology without an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.
In the present catechism classes underway in the parishes in Italy, young people are not taught that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell and that they need to enter the Catholic Church as members and this is the teaching of Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).
Instead they are told that all non Catholics do not need to enter the Catholic Church according to Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) and there is known salvation outside the Church. We can meet and see people saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc.
This is false. We cannot see or meet non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire etc.

 The spread of the faith “by attraction” calls for hearts that are open and expanded by love. It is not possible to place limits on love, for love is strong as death (cf. Song 8:6). And that expansion generates encounter, witness, proclamation; it generates sharing in charity with all those far from the faith, indifferent to it and perhaps even hostile and opposed to it. Human, cultural and religious settings still foreign to the Gospel of Jesus and to the sacramental presence of the Church represent the extreme peripheries, the “ends of the earth”, to which, ever since the first Easter, Jesus’ missionary disciples have been sent, with the certainty that their Lord is always with them (cf. Mt 28:20; Acts 1:8). This is what we call the missio ad gentes. The most desolate periphery of all is where mankind, in need of Christ, remains indifferent to the faith or shows hatred for the fullness of life in God. All material and spiritual poverty, every form of discrimination against our brothers and sisters, is always a consequence of the rejection of God and his love.
The ends of the earth, dear young people, nowadays are quite relative and always easily “navigable”. The digital world – the social networks that are so pervasive and readily available – dissolves borders, eliminates distances and reduces differences. Everything appears within reach, so close and immediate. And yet lacking the sincere gift of our lives, we could well have countless contacts but never share in a true communion of life. To share in the mission to the ends of the earth demands the gift of oneself in the vocation that God, who has placed us on this earth, chooses to give us (cf. Lk 9:23-25). I dare say that, for a young man or woman who wants to follow Christ, what is most essential is to seek, to discover and to persevere in his or her vocation.
Bearing witness to love
I am grateful to all those ecclesial groups that make it possible for you to have a personal encounter with Christ living in his Church: parishes, associations, movements, religious communities, and the varied expressions of missionary service.
They are not allowed to say that all non Catholics with no known exception for us human beings, are oriented to Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church.Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation, there are no known examples of non Catholics saved outside the Church. This is the teaching of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).The Church does not proclaim this for political reasons.
The political Left is from Satan and the Left is accomodated in the new proclamation and syncretistic witness.
The Eucharist is only to be given to Catholics (Ecclesia di Eucharistia, Pope John Paul II) yet today the Eucharist is given at Mass to non Christians and non Catholics.
A Marriage is a Sacrament only between two Catholics yet today it is called a Sacrmanent and not adultery when Mixed Marriages are 'solemnised' in church.Vatican Council II (Cushngite) is cited and Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) is not mentioned ever.
This is the present concept of mission in the Catholic Church.

 How many young people find in missionary volunteer work a way of serving the “least” of our brothers and sisters (cf. Mt 25:40), promoting human dignity and witnessing to the joy of love and of being Christians!
Lionel. They are Catholics and not Christians in the sense meant here. There are only Catholics in Heaven but the pope does not believe this. This is not known either to these young Catholics.Our identity is Catholic.It is not the same as Protestans, Baptist, Mormons etc.
The pope is a Christian. I am a Catholic.
For the pope one has to only follow ones conscience.For me there is an objective reality and non Catholics are going there after death.

 These ecclesial experiences educate and train young people not only for professional success, but also for developing and fostering their God-given gifts in order better to serve others. These praiseworthy forms of temporary missionary service are a fruitful beginning and, through vocational discernment, they can help you to decide to make a complete gift of yourselves as missionaries.
The Pontifical Mission Societies were born of young hearts as a means of supporting the preaching of the Gospel to every nation and thus contributing to the human and cultural growth of all those who thirst for knowledge of the truth. 
Lionel: They preach the Gospel in which they proclaim the kerygma and exclude the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church for salvation.It is Jesus without the necessity of formal entry into the Catholic Church for salvation.
So the word Mission is used this month, but it is an empty word. It is based upon a new gospel, a different gospel which is approved by the Zionist rabbis. They do not publically oppose this form of mission.However officially they have opposed traditional mission based on traditional Catholic doctrine and theology.They have threatened Catholics with Anti-Semitic laws.So for them there must be no proselytism and conversion by Catholics.
The mission in the Catholic Church which they approve is a contribution to a new one world religion in which Christians will be united in heresy.Catholics will be in schism and in mortal sin as a norm in this New Religion.

The prayers and the material aid generously given and distributed through the Pontifical Mission Societies enable the Holy See to ensure that those who are helped in their personal needs can in turn bear witness to the Gospel in the circumstances of their daily lives.
From the humanitarian perpective it is welcome but which gospel will they proclaim ?

 No one is so poor as to be unable to give what they have, but first and foremost what they are. Let me repeat the words of encouragement that I addressed to the young people of Chile: “Never think that you have nothing to offer, or that nobody needs you. Many people need you. Think about it! Each of you, think in your heart: many people need me” (Meeting with Young People, Maipu Shrine, 17 January 2018).

Lionel: Young people are needed to proclaim the Good News, that Jesus Died for all to save all people from going to Hell and those who accept Him and his teachings in the Catholic  Church,and live them in the Catholic Church, will  only be saved.Today most people are going to Hell. Since they die outside the Church.
It is not enough for a Catholic to only believe in Jesus. A Catholic has to live the traditional faith and moral teachings of the Church, out of love for Jesus.

Dear young people, this coming October, the month of the missions, we will hold the Synod devoted to you. It will prove to be one more occasion to help us become missionary disciples, ever more passionately devoted to Jesus and his mission, to the ends of the earth. I ask Mary, Queen of the Apostles, Saint Francis Xavier ( he affirmed the exclusive understanding of salvation which Pope Francis rejects), Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus ( she held the exclusivist understanding of salvation which the popes Francis and Benedict reject) and Blessed Paolo Manna to intercede for all of us and to accompany us always.
From the Vatican, 20 May 2018, Solemnity of Pentecost

Photos from


The Leftist mission program being sold via the Internet in e-mail exchanges by the Urbaniana Pontifical Univesity Rome interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.

The Urbaniana Pontifical University has a course on Mission which all good Catholics should avoid.The course is approved by the Jewish Left who would otherwise oppose in public, traditional Catholic mission.
The Leftist mission program being sold via the Internet in e-mail exchanges, interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.So there is known salvation outside the Church for the liberal-left faculty.The professors there, approved by the Left and ecclesiastical Masonry, like Sandra Mazzolini, assume hypothetical and unknown people are known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation.So the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) becomes a thing of the past.
So even though the facuty at Urbaniana, and at some of the other pontifical universities, know the irrational premise and inference they use to put aside traditional Mission doctrine and theology, they have to continue with the deception for ideological reasons.
The Leftist Mission program does not state that Protestants and Orthodox Christians are outside the Church and outside of salvation.Instead it calls for Mission based solely on our belief in Jesus and our baptism.
So there are joint mission programs with the other Christian churches.
According to traditional Mission all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they enter and remain in the Catholic Church as members.There are no known exceptions.Practically there are no exceptions to the dogma EENS. This is something obvious.
Traditional Mission was based on the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.There were no known exceptions.The speculative possibility of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) was recognised.But they were not considered objective exceptions to EENS as it was known to the missionaries in the 16th century.
Mission at the Urbaniana University is based on the Cushingite interpretation of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II.The liberal theologians assumed that BOD, BOB and I.I were objective exceptions to EENS.So today most Catholics say every one needs to enter the Church except for those saved with BOD,BOB and I.I.
With the Feeneyite interpretation of Vatican Council II,  Catholics return to the past ecclesiology of the Church.But this interpretation of the Council is not being allowed for Catholics and the Vatican, by the Jewish Left.
The rabbis Rosen, Segni and others want Catholics to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise( the baptism of desire refers not to a hypothetical case but an objective person saved outside the Church).So the inference is that there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church.All do not need to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.Since there is salvation outside the Church the need for Mission was questioned by Cushingite Pope Benedict in March 2016 when he said that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century and there was a 'development'(Cushingite) with Vatican Council II.
The Urbaniana Pontifical University faculty are aware of the deception but to keep body and soul together they are playing along with it.
With the Left controlling pontifical universities there is the need for Catholic educational institutions which will interpret Magisterial documents only with traditional Feeneyite theology and philosophy.They may not be granted affiliation or accreditation but the material they would offer would be rational and traditional.
The Society of St.Pius X seminaries are also interpreting Vatican Council II and EENS with Cushingism and this is appreciated by the Jewish Left. So confused seminarians are taught that every one needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation but some do not.
Similarly the seminary of sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr.Anthony Cekada in Florida, USA are also following the Cushingite model of Vatican Council II.
At the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary Boccea, Rome under Fr. Stefano Manelli f.I, there also, the Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II, was taught.The Feeneyite interpretation of magisterial documents was prohibited by the Rector Fr. Settimo Mannelli f.i, the nephew of Fr. Stefano Manelli.
Those Catholics who interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism, could be punished legally by the Left.
So the false ideological interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS continues and there are new Mission doctrines which are non controversial.Every one seems  happy and at peace. We have a 'dolce'(sweet) brand of the Catholic Faith. This is the mission being promoted by Pope Francis, even though the Left is from Satan.
For him the popes and saints of the past would be  triumphalistic on salvation, with an 'evil ideology'.
-Lionel Andrades


Diocescan Offices for Pastoral Mission to usher in New Religion within the Catholic Church

Don Michele Caiafa at the Rome Vicariate is the Director of the Diocesan Office for Pastoral Mission in Rome.At Subiaco it is Don Davide M.Santurro,at Tivoli  it is Don Denis Kibangu Malonda,at Velletri Segni also in the diocese of Lazio, the Director is Signora Katiuscia Cipri. They could not get a priest here.At Albano it is Don Pietro Massari, at Montecassino it is Don Erwin  Reyes and Frosinone is the bishop of the Diocese, Ambrogio Spreafico, who compromised as Rector of the Urbaniana Pontifical University, during the pontificate of the Pope Benedict when Jewish Left rabbis and members of B'nai Brith, Rome visited him and Vatican offices telling them to end traditional Catholic mission.It was reported by the daily Avvenire.
 Image result for sInstututi Soci della Coop. SERMIS( Servizio Missionario)
So there was not more to be traditional Mission in which every one  needed to enter the Catholic Church,the Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood(Catechism of the Catholic Church 845).
The Directors of Diocesan Offices for Pastoral Mission,like those in the rest of Italy,  will coordinate with the new  super dicastery on evangelisation which will be announced next month.They will support the proclamation of Jesus without the traditional moral and faith teachings of the Catholic Church.
They will de emphasize the value of the Eucharist just as Pope Francis did with the  annual Corpus Christi procession now sent it to the outskirts of Rome.
Joint ecumenical mission projects will be encouraged with Protestants in which morals, faith and the Sacraments, will be down played. Why should Catholics go for the Sacrament of Confession any more? Christians who support divorce and contraception are going to Heaven,  according to the new dicastery.
All will be allowed to talk about Jesus but they must not be allowed to say every one needs to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell,will the new anti Christ policy in  Rome. They will not be able to say that Protestants who abort and contracept officially, according to their religion are going to Hell, even if they believe in Jesus.
 Image result for Vescovo Francesco Becciu
Similar Diocesan Offices for Pastoral Mission with no traditional dogmas and doctrines, would be created in other countries too, under the local bishop.
In Italy the new dicastery is expected to coordinate with the Episcopal Commission for the Evangelization of Peoples and Missionary Cooperation among the churches.The president is Cardinal Francesco Beschi, the bishop of Bergamo, Italy.
The Director of the over all National Office  which will coordinate all this new mission, without reference to Hell, is Don Michele Autuoro.They are responsible for this New World Religion within the Catholic Church.They will support apostasy and mortal sin and call it evangelisation. This will really be an anti Christ movement which will present a false image of Jesus and the Catholic Church.
Don Autuoro's office is located at Via Aurelia 796, Rome near the Vatican.The other offices here are the Foundazione MissioMovement for Young Missionaries , Pontificie Opere Missionarie, Pontificia Missionaria, Pontificia Opera Infanzia Missionaria and the Pontificia Opera Propagazione della Fede.
These offices coordinate with missionary institutes of the religious communities Comboniani, Saveriane etc, through an institute called Instituti Soci della Coop.SERMIS( Servizio Missionario).
They will assist migrants without asking them to convert into the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.They will go to Catholic parishes in mission- countries  and assist the local people,without the necessity of conversion.In the Amazon they will present Jesus without the necessity of the Sacraments for salvation.-Lionel Andrades

MAY 14, 2019

Next month Pope Francis will announce a new dicastery ( Vatican office) which will support official heresy and support mortal sins of faith among Catholics


False Mission in the Amazon


Pope Francis, Cardinal Maradiaga and the Synod Fathers in October the month of mission, 2019, are to implement the one world religion agenda in Amazon with a new concept of mission which is already being implemented in Italy.
Evangelisation would mean only proclaiming the love of God in a vague and general way with the emphasis on human and social development. Fraternity among peoples.The Sacraments and the orthodox teachings of the Church will not be necessary.
For ideological reasons the Synod will not tell the Amazonian people, the non Catholics, that they are oriented to Hell outside the Church.
In a publication in preparation for the Synod on the Amazon, they criticize the official evangelisation of the Amazon in the 17th century, with liberal theology and enculturization slogans.Typical of the Communists, they speak of a church of the poor but do not have the Synod in the Amazon but in Europe.
They pit a 'popular religion' against the 'official religion'.This has been the focus all these years of the Sant Egidio community meetings for bishops in Rome.Big money has been put all these years into liberal theology.It is now paying off.
They are critical of the 'official' Catholic liturgy and encourage a vague Christianity as among the indegenous people of Brazil(Cirio di Nazare) 
 Image result for Cirio di Nazare
The Cirio di Nazare festival is held in Brazil in the second week of October.
So the Synod will encourage the population to be open to the simple theology of the Christian sects and not tell them that the Holy Mass and the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are necessary for salvation.
Proclaiming the Good News, the Word of God, for this pontificate, is proclaiming the Kingdom of God without the necessity of being  member of the Catholic Church. It is an ecumenical Christianity with a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism and Salvation.This was the policy of the Bishops Conference in Brazil(1972),according to the 2019 Diary on the Amazon.
A false, non Catholic and new understanding of Jesus will be part of the new one world religion, in Latin America. Every one can believe in Jesus but without Catholic faith and morals and the necessity of the Sacraments.It will be a Kingdom oriented and not Catholic- Church- oriented Christianity.
They support an 'option for the poor' even with violence, and minus the teachings of the Catholic Church on salvation. 


There is a new false concept of Mission being implemented in the Catholic Church based on Cushingite and not traditional Feeenyite theology.-Lionel Andrades 

JANUARY 1, 2019


False mission is taught and promoted by Bishop Francesco Beschi and Fr.Michele Autuoro : Italian Bishops Commission for the Evangelization of Peoples and Missionay Cooperation among the Churches

FEBRUARY 1, 2019

Pope John Paul rejected a Christian theology of religious pluralism and salvation and now Pope Francis has promoted it at the CDF-FABC conference with Asian Bishops held in Thailand last month

JANUARY 30, 2019 


False concept of being 'Catholic' legally being forced upon the St. Benedict Center and Catholics in Manchester,USA

JANUARY 11, 2019

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical prohibitions will be placed upon them


JANUARY 28, 2019

In Magisterial documents the red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : with the blue there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition (16th- century extra ecclesium nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors, ecumenism of return, past exclusivist ecclesiology etc)


JANUARY 27, 2019


Pope Benedict does not tell Michel Bohnke that Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church support the strict interpretation of the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation and so this is the basis of Catholic mission



ANUARY 26, 2019

The red is not an exception to the blue, the red does not contradict the blue : Catechism of the Catholic Church 846-848

JANUARY 25, 2019

For me the red does not contradict the blue so there is a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition ( Graphics)

JANUARY 25, 2019

Image result for Photos Social Reign of Christ the King

The Social Reign of Christ the King can be proclaimed based on Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)

DECEMBER 19, 2018

CDF Prefect and present two popes violate the Principle of Non Contradiction ( Graphics)


Mission needed without rejecting Vatican Council II like the trads and sedes neither accepting the Council with an irrational premise like the liberals and two popes
Image result for Catholics on Mission today Photo
In today's Gospel Reading Jesus said that he must go 'to the other towns' and 'proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God' which cannot be separated from Him and the Early Church and it was 'because for this purpose' he was sent' and so he was 'preaching in the synagogues of Judea'.
In the First Reading Paul says 'Of this you have already heard through the word of truth, the Gospel, that has come to you.
Just as in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing,so also among you, from the day you heard it and came to know the grace of God in truth, as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow slave,who is a trustworthy minister of Christ on your behalf and who also told us of your love in the Spirit.'
Paul in Mission knew that Jesus died for everyone but to receieve this salvation every one needed to be baptised with water in the Early Church,the first Christian communities, the first Catholic communities, outside of which there was no salvation.
The baptism of water in the Catholic Church is still needed today for going to Heaven, even though religious do not teach it.
When false doctrines are being taught in the Parish lay Catholics must correct their Parish Priest and Bishop and tell them 1) there are no personally known cases in 2017 of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I).We do not know any one saved outside the Church with BOD, BOB or I.I over the last 50 or more years.Similarly 2) there are no visible cases in 2017 of saved outside the Church with invincible ignorance(LG 16), elements of sanctification truth in other religions(LG 8), imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3), seeds of the Word (AG 11) etc.
Tell the priest not to teach false doctrines with a false theology and that you accept all the doctrines of the Church but interpret them with a theology which does not use the false premise of invisible people being visible in the present times.Invisible people are not visible, tell him.
Tell him we love every one, Jesus loves every one,he has no favourites, salvation in potential is open to all, but to receive this great gift we must accept Jesus within the Catholic Church and live the traditional faith and moral teachings of the Church even if popes, cardinals and bishops have rejected them.
There can be lay outreach progams and mision to non Catholics based on the past understanding of salvation which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II or the media's reporting of the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.
However, presently, we lay people are on our own.We have the traditional teachings of the saints and popes, to interpret the Bible.So Jesus is still the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow even if now a new politically approved theology is taught at Catechism classes which begin in a few weeks.
Remember, unlike in the parishes you can proclaim the Faith and do Mission with the traditional teachings of the saints and popes and without rejecting Vatican Council II, as the traditionalists and sedevacantists have done and neither accepting Vatican Council II with the false premise like the liberals and the two popes.
Invite people to come into the Church and to read the Catholic( Christian)classics, the traditional Catholic literature even if one or both of the present popes, for you, are anti-popes, heretics, schismatics,dissidents etc.It is true that they are taking orders, receiving instructions from the Masons and the rest of the Jewish Left.So our concept of Mission would be different from that of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome where you can get a good Zionist Catholic academic degree.
The Catholic Church is the only Church Jesus founded outside of which there is no salvation and which has given the world the Bible which is used by all Christian denominations.The concept of the Trinity and the foundation for the world's scientific development also comes from the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades

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