Saturday, June 19, 2021

Lepanto Foundation Great Apostasy Conference will affirm the errors in the Church : most of the speakers are part of the apostasy


The Lepanto Foundation have announced a conference on the Great Apostasy when the speakers are part of the general apostasy in the Church. They do not affirm the Catholic faith when they use a false premise to re-interpret Catholic dogma and doctrines. So there is a new version of the Creeds, Catechisms, Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents.This is approved by the Left.

It is good to see that the Lepanto Foundation have invited Brother Andre Marie MICM, to be part of this conference.

He will present the introduction.There will be talks on the signs of the times, the end times for me.In many of Our Lady's apparitions she has said that we are in the end times. The apparitions to the Brazilian seer have ended. He has died. While the monthly apparitions to Marjiana at Medugorje have also been stopped. Her predictions to the late Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests are also becoming clearer.

But the speakers Dr. Peter Kwasniewski and others are part of the great apostasy, when they do not affirm the faith or permit heresy and apostasy, to protect their personal reputation, career etc.

Brother Andre Marie interprets Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) without the false premise.But this cannot be said of the others, nor Roberto dei Mattei and the Lepanto Foundation.Instead they have been consistently denying the Faith on Vatican Council II.

John Henry Weston one of the speakers interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise so there is a rupture with the Creeds.This is the official and prudent policy of Life Site News. The Athanasius Creed has to be rejected and the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed changed for him. So his Profession of Fatih is different.Changing the meaning of the Creeds is modernism.It is not enough to recite the Creed at Holy Mass I have mentioned this in a previous blog post.His recitation of the Oath Against Modernism would be meaningless.

All this is part of the apostasy in the Catholic Church which was promoted by the liberals but now even conservaties like Weston and Kwasniewski.  

John Henry Weston, Peter Kwasnewski and others would have nothing relevant to say in this time of apostasy, since they do not affirm the Faith on sensitive subjects. They set an  example for others, of putting personal interests before that of Jesus and His Church.

The three-day event does not address the subject of Vatican Council II and the ability to interpret it with a rational premise, inference and conclusion.In this way it is no more a rupture with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Athansius Creed ( with no exceptions) and the Syllabus of Errors ( with no known exceptions).

These three Church documents are not affirmed in this way by Roberto dei Mattei, Peter Kwasniewksi and others. They are known for wanting to deny the dogma EENS as it was interpreted by the missionaries of the 16th century. They choose to interpret it like Pope Benedict and the liberals at Vatican Council II- but also like Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

The Lefebvrists choose to accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which made an objective mistake which was over looked by Archbishop Lefebvre and also Pope Pius XII.The popes who followed also over looked the mistake bringing in a great apostasy within the Church. With there being alleged known salvation outside the Catholic Church, there emerged a New Theology, New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation, New Canon Law etc, which is apostasy in the Catholic Church.

Other Lefebvrists, not invited to speak this month, like Taylor Marshall and Michael Matt, have chosen not to affirm the Faith, on their media.They prefer to interpret Magisterial documents with the politically correct Cushingite New theology instead of the old Feeneyite theology.

So even though they call themselves traditionalists or conservatives, they  interpret the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Catechisms of Trent and Pope Paul X, with the common false premise of the liberals. So they say they are orthodox when in reality they use the same false New Theology of the liberals, working for a One World Religion, without the teachings of the Catholic Church.So the Lepanto Foundation is not expected to affirm the Faith on this sensitive issue instead they will tell many Catholics what they already know, and so continue with the common doctrinal and theological errors in the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades

In the book stands of the chapel in the parish, there is no book on Vatican Council II. This is a good sign. New books on the Council have to be written-if the Left permits it

 In the book stands of the chapel in the parish, there is no book on Vatican Council II. This is a good sign. New books on the Council have to be written-if the Left permits it.  - Lionel Andrades

Changing the meaning of the Creeds is serious stuff

 John Henry Weston interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise so there is a rupture with the Creeds. The Athanasius Creed has to be rejected and the understanding of the Nicene and Apostles Creed changed. So his Profession of Fatih has changed.It's different from mine.Changing the meaning of the Creeds is modernism.It is not enough to recite the Creed at Holy Mass and have something new, an innovation in your mind.

His recitation of the Oath Against Modernism would be meaningless. He is a public-modernist.Is not giving a new meaning to the Creeds a sin? Is this not the stuff of automatic excommunication ? Is this not a mortal sin of faith? Are there not some de fide teachings of the Church which are obligatory for all Catholics to believe in ? -Lionel Andrades

Annual parish fete tomorrow - stall needed for Catechesis

Tomorrow is the annual feast of the parish, there will be a fete, with music and plenty to eat and drink and people whom you didn't see throughout the year will be there. This would be a good opportunity to have a stall for the evening.The Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II says all it takes is one mortal sin for a soul to go to Hell.One un-Confessed mortal sin of masturbation and pornography for a soul to go to Hell.Immodesty in clothes and hate ( not the political version)  are mortal sins, and so are fornication, adultery and not choosing to be a Catholic.

If I was given a selling-booth for the evening there would be trouble.The distribution of pamphlets are not allowed so there would have to be a way to say that the Romanian singer with the low-V blouse will be in trouble after she dies...there will be burning fire.

Immodesty in clothes is a mortal sin and it takes people to the fires of Hell.People do not know this. It can be seen by the clothes they wear and do not wear.

Most of the people who are present were not there at the obligatory-Sunday Mass when the church was open over the months.Not attending Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin.

Since most of the people there would probably not be going to Heaven, given the odds of the situation,I would be burdened to have to describe Hell. It would have to be a major subject of my Catechetical booth.

Then I would have to tell the non-Catholics  there at the fair that they are going to the same place after they die- as where many of  the Catholic parishioners are going.They need to give up their religion and accept Jesus in the Catholic Church and live  the teachings of the Catholic Church, which do not change.

In this way I would proclaim the Faith to those who are outside the Catholic Church ( non Catholics) and those who voluntarily stay outside the Church, due to their attachments, lack of knowledge of Hell or whatever other reason( Catholics).Both have the same destination.

They would have to be told to come to church at least on Sundays and pray, even though the priest is not allowed to speak about morals,sin and Hell- which has fire and is non-stop.

Without the Sacrament of Confession , the assistance of the Eucharist and regular and consistent prayer from the heart,it would be difficult to fight Satan, our Enemy - and not be a slave to sin,addictions, uncontrollable personalies and temperaments, negative feelings  and states, unwanted emotions which dominate life, obsessions and forms of possession etc, etc.All this is nothing compared to the burning, uncomfortable fires of Hell. -Lionel Andrades