Sunday, January 30, 2022

The liberalism that we see around us in the Catholic Church comes from the False Premise. The New Theology which replaces the old theology is based upon the False Premise. When we eliminate the False Premise we go back to the old theology of the Church, and the liberalism is finished.


The liberalism that we see around us in the Catholic Church comes from the False Premise. The New Theology which replaces the old theology is based upon the False Premise. When we eliminate the False Premise we go back to the old theology of the Church, and the liberalism is finished.

Bishops Donald Sanborn and Mark Pivarunas choose to interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise. They support the liberalism and remain politically correct with the Jewish Left (ADL, SPLC, and Rabbi Rosen etc).

Sanborn and Pivarunas also interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance by confusing what is implicit as being explicit. In this way they create false, but politically exceptions for Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They are Cushingites like the present two liberal popes and not Feeneyities.

Bishop Bernard Fellay no more talks about the doctrinal problem in the Church. He wants to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise and support the liberals. It is the same with Una Voce International, Latin Mass Societies, Coetus International, Lepanto Foundation, ACIES Ordinata etc.

John Salza interprets the Council with the False Premise and writes articles and books as if all is well.

When a Lefebvrist complains about Vatican Council II he is choosing to interpret Vatican Council II with the False and not Rational Premise.

When the followers of Vietnamese Archbishop Pierre Thuc criticize Vatican Council II they choose not to interpret the Council with the Rational Premise.

 If Michael and Peter Dimond at the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA would interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise, the Council would be in harmony with their strict interpretation of EENS.-Lionel Andrades

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