Monday, March 28, 2022

We now have unity on Catholic doctrine and theology. The division brought into the Church, with liberalism was created with a False Premise.It has been identified and avoided.


We now have unity on Catholic doctrine and theology. The division brought into the Church, with liberalism was created with a False Premise.It has been identified and avoided.

So it means that at every Holy Mass-irrespective of the rite or language, we are back to the old theology. Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.


So we can have Bible Study groups in homes, with the Bible interpreted, to support exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.


So we can have missionary groups, who are willing to go into the streets or at events to proclaim Christ with the traditional ecclesiocentric theology.We have unity on doctrine. There is no more the division on doctrine brought into the Church with the New Theology based upon the False Premise.

They will be going back to Tradition-the dogmas and doctrines- and accepting Vatican Council II (Rational) only.

-Lionel Andrades

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