Saturday, November 5, 2022

Blessed Virgin Mary Allegedly Spotted in Sunset of Viral Photo Taken in Africa

The post inspired many social media users to pray and turn to Our Lady for help, protection, and intercession.

Here’s what some users said about the image:

Rocio Mayorga, Facebook

One user said, “How beautiful, our beautiful Mother. As always, we love you very much. Amen.”

Sandy Meraz, Facebook

Another post reads, “How beautiful, our Blessed Mother Mary, and how fortunate that she has manifested herself… [She] shows us that her maternal love [never separates from us.] Thank you, Mother, for the love and mercy [you have for] all your children. Blessed be you. Amen.”

Mary Miranda, Facebook

Facebook user Mary Miranda added, “Blessed be Mother! Cover my family with your mantle, especially my children…stay with them always! Take them from your hand, Mother!! I consecrate them to you.”

Romelia Tolentino, Facebook

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