Saturday, November 5, 2022

Fr.Sean Seehy’s bishop can no longer cite Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) to justify the new moral theology, as they do in Rome at the Latin Mass. We now have Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).It supports the old moral theology.


Fr.Sean Seehy’s bishop can no longer cite Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) to justify the new moral theology, as they do in Rome at the Latin Mass. We now have Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).It supports the old moral theology.

Cardinal Zuppi did not affirm homosexual acts being mortal sins which take a person to Hell. Yet he was allowed to offer Holy Mass in Latin in Rome. He interprets the Creeds, Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the baptisms of desire etc irrationally and heretically.It is public.

This is an issue of doctrine and not discipline. Cardinal Matteo Zuppi does not deny it. Is this not a scandal and an impediment to offering Mass in any rite ? This is a mortal sin of faith for which he needs absolution in the Confessional. Then he must recant and end the scandal in public. -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 5, 2022

Was this not a scandal for Abbe Claude Barthe and the organisers ? This was an impediment to offer the Latin Mass in Rome.

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