Sunday, December 4, 2022

Conservative modernists at Rorate Caeili still at it : They speak and write about modernism as if the use of the False Premise is not modernism.


Conservative modernists have once again on Rorate Caeili chosen to interpret Vatican Council II with the Irrational Premise just like the liberals and the Left. I interpret the Council rationally with the Rational Premise. So the Council is not a break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition for me.

Obviously if you interpret the Council with an Irrational Premise there will be a break with Tradition. The liberals knew this. But the SSPX bishops, Archbishop Lefebvre, Mons. Brunero Gherardino, Roberto dei Mattei, Micahel Davies, Romano Amerio and Dietrich Hildebrand did not know this.

This was useful for the Masons.

The traditionalists were interpreting the Council as a break with Tradition and the liberals were saying that this is the work of the Holy Spirit and were changing also faith and morals. Now we have the Synods.

It is not that Rorate Caeili and those who go only for the Latin Mass do not know this.They know there is a Rational Premise. They know that the break with Tradition over half a century has come with the Irrational Premise.

But they do not want to use the Rational Premise or they will be lablled Anti Semitic by the Jewish Left and will be boycotted. Michael Matt will not be allowed to hold his annual conference.So he chooses to break with Tradition and interpret the baptism of desire etc with the Irrational Premise.He is a liberal.

Many or most of them are attached to their life style and do not want to appear Anti Semitic by affirming Feeneyite EENS. So they are looking after their personal interests.

They do not want to be persecuted. They do not want to become martyrs. They want to keep their blogs and websites and continue with the good life while they do not tell Catholics that the Council can be interpreted with the Rational Premise and it will be the end of theological liberalism in the Church.

They speak and write about modernism as if the use of the False Premise is not modernism.

Peter Kwasniewski, a conservative modernist, like Roberto dei Mattei, will interpret the Council with the False Premise, support heresy and schism and then complain about the Novus Ordo Mass.-Lionel Andrades

The Council and the Eclipse of God by Don Pietro Leone: CHAPTER 10 (Part 6b). III. FEATURES OF THE TEXTS INFLUENTIAL FOR PROMOTING THE COUNCIL’S WORK (continued): 4. Novelty; 5.Deceit;

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