Sunday, December 4, 2022

Rorate Caeili only refers to the Vatican Council II of the liberals and the Left and not the Council interpreted with the Rational Premise.So he pleases the Left who also interpret the Council with the Irrational Premise and there is no one to correct and check them.


Lionel : Rorate Caeili is obviously only referring to the Vatican Council II of the liberals and the Left. He is no referring to the Council interpreted with the Rational Premise.So he pleases the Left. Even they interpret the Council with the Irrational Premise and there is no one to correct and check them.

The popes have been interpreting Vatican Council II all these years with the rational Premise.Archbishop Lefebvre was also doing the same thing but he did not accept the non traditional conclusion and so they excommunicated him.

Fr.Leonard Feeney would not accept the baptism of desire interpreted with the Irrational Premise. So they excommunicated him.

Pope Paul VI did not interpret the Council with the Rational Premise,otherwise they could have got rid of him. Since he would be undoing all the bad work of the Council.

Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger did not tell Archbishop Lefebvre that if he interpreted the Council with the Rational Premise the Council would be in harmony with Tradition. They could affirm Vatican Council II and Tradition.-Lionel Andrades


Dear Reader, What do YOU think of Vatican II? Your opinion below, please.

, DECEMBER 3, 2022

Conservative modernists

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

The Rorate Caeili, Roberto dei Mattei, Don Pietro Leone interpretation of the Council is political. It supports the Left by creating alleged exceptions ( LG 8,14,16 etc) for the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church.

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