Friday, February 10, 2023

The sedevacantists are correct about Vatican Council II. The Council was interpreted irrationally and not rationally. A false premise and inference was chosen instead of the rational option : Vatican Council II interpreted with a Fake Premise is unethical and political and Michael Voris has to choose it


There are different "camps" of sedevacantists, and while there are some divisions among them, there is broad agreement that Vatican II was bad and that there has not been a valid pope since the death of Pius XII in 1958. And yeah, you heard that right — not a valid pope in 65 years and counting. - Michael Voris

The sedevacantists are correct about Vatican Council II. The Council was interpreted irrationally and not rationally. A false premise and inference was chosen instead of the rational option. The Council is liberal when the false premise is chosen by the popes and cardinals.Without the false premise the Council supports Tradition as held by the father of Mel Gibson.

Vatican Council II interpreted with a Fake Premise is unethical and political and Michael Voris has to choose it.- Lionel Andrades

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