Sunday, March 12, 2023

All the parish priests and religious sisters can teach the children at First Communion classes that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church : Pope Francis has only to make one announcement. Vocations to the religious life will be accepted only from those Catholics who affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Cardinals at the Conclave will be restricted


So all the parish priests and religious sisters can teach the children at First Communion classes that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

Vocations to the religious life will be accepted only from those Catholics who affirm there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church and who interpret Vatican Council II rationally i.e. invisible people are not visible in 2023.


Only those cardinals will be allowed to participate in the Conclave, who are honest and do not confuse implicit cases of Lumen Gentium 14 etc, as being explicit. They are traditionalists.

The Catholic and non Catholic  judges of the secular and ecclesiastical courts will choose to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and the Ministry of Education  will know that there is only one option for students- the honest one.

The liberal-traditionalist division in the Church ends since there is no more a liberal theology. The false premise and inference is not there anymore.- Lionel Andrades

MARCH 12, 2023

A New Discovery : Pope Francis, the CDF has only to announce that LG 8, LG 14. LG 16. UR 3. NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical and invisible cases in 2023. Things then fall into place. The Church returns to Tradition.

MARCH 2, 2023

We have a new discovery in the Catholic Church

FEBRUARY 28, 2023

" We have a discovery in the Catholic Church, my dear Watson...We have found the Missing Link"

FEBRUARY 27, 2023

Pope Francis simply has to interpret the BOD, BOB and I.I as not being exceptions to EENS : heresy and sacrilege end (Graphics )

MARCH 6, 2023

It is like watering the roots of a plant or tree. With one simple step, one action, the whole tree is nourished-branches, leaves, roots etc.In the same way by choosing the rational premise we return to the past in faith and morals, liturgy,. mission, ecclesiology etc

MARCH 9, 2023

The Apostolic Signatura, the Vatican tribunal must not allow cardinals to participate in the next conclave who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally.

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