Sunday, March 12, 2023

Political Mass and political Way of the Cross with a political interpretation of Vatican Council II


The Mass in Italian held for the diplomat Luca at the basilica St. Mary of the Angels, Rome, who was living with a non Catholic women in an African country where he was killed, was not Catholic. It was political. It was offered by Cardinal Angelo Donatis, the Vicar General in Rome and the Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi was present.

The Mass was part of the one world religion, in which adultery, homosexual acts and abortion are not mortal sins which lead to Hell.

Next Friday an ecumenical Christian Way of the Cross will be held at the same basilica.

The New Ecumenism has no theological foundation in the Catholic Church since Vatican Council II, ethically, can only be interpreted with a rational premise and inference. So the traditional conclusion supports the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).  EENS is Tradition. So the Latin Mass cannot be accepted with the old Missal.It mentions sin and Hell and salvation.

We know Protestants are outside the Church. The Catholic Church in Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents tell us that they are oriented to Hell, without Catholic faith.This is not mentioned at the ecumenical Way of the Cross. This was not mentioned at the high profile Mass for the diplomat, who had two families, as mentioned by Cardinal Donatis. -Lionel Andrades

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