Thursday, May 4, 2023

Concordat is schismatic


There cannot be a Concordat between a pro-Satan secular state in Italy and a Vatican State in schism, caused with the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. The Church has a rational option, which can only be traditional like historical Rome. It would oppose the present Government in Italy, on faith and morals.- Lionel Andrades

 JULY 17, 2013

Vatican Council II does not contradict the Concordat of 1929

The Concordat of 1929  signed by Pope Pius XI (and the Italian government) made Catholicism the sole religion of the state (although other religions were tolerated), paid salaries to priests and bishops, recognized church marriages (previously couples had to have a civil ceremony), and brought religious instruction into the public schools. In turn, the bishops swore allegiance to the Italian state, which had a veto power over their selection.-Wikipedia
In 1965 Vatican Council II stated all need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation (AG 7) and those saved in invincible ignorance etc (LG 16), reason tells us,are  not known exceptions to AG 7 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So Vatican Council II in doctrine and theology supported Pope Pius XI and Italy being a Catholic State.
Papst Pius XI. 1JS.jpg 
Pope Pius XI condemned, in his 1928 encyclical, Mortalium Animos, the idea that Christian unity could be attained by establishing a broad federation of many bodies holding varying doctrines (the widespread view among Protestant ecumenists); rather, the Catholic Church was the one true Church, all her teachings were objectively true, and Christian unity could only be by achieved by non-Catholic denominations rejoining the Catholic Church and accepting the doctrines they had rejected.-Wikipedia
  Vatican Council II( AG 7) says all need Catholic Faith for salvation. All include Christians. So Vatican Council II in doctrine and theology agrees with Pope Pius XI's concept of ecumenism.
Political parties in Italy need to acknowledge that Vatican Council II supports the traditional Catholic teaching on other religions and salvation. It mentions the necessity of all Christians, Orthodox Christians and Protestants, entering the Church for salvation, it affirms the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So it reinforces Primacy being there in only the Catholic Church. According to Vatican Council II (AG 7) there cannot be a Collegiality which suggests  non Catholic religions, or other Christians, are in religions which are paths to salvation.
Vatican Council II is traditional.
The Council is not traditional for the leftist media in Italy and abroad, since they confuse in principle statements mentioned in Vatican Council II as being defacto and known to us in the present times.They assume that what is mentioned as implicit, in principle and in theory are real and known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Catholic Tradition.
The leftist media also use this false premise, of assuming we can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance, seeds of the Word etc, to criticize the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation.They claim it is  no more  valid. So they  suggest that Vatican Council II contradicted the Concordat of 1929 which made Catholicism the State Religion.They interpert Vatican Council II with the Richard Cushing Error.

Without the Richard Cushing Error Vatican Council II is as traditional as Pope Pius XI. Catholic political parties in Italy have still to acknowledge this.
-Lionel Andrades

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