Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Catholic Church is in a general state of schism.


Cardinals Kasper, Koch, Nichols, Greco and Hollerich are still in the Catholic Church since Pope Francis has not interpreted Vatican Council II rationally and so ethically. He supports the present schism from the Left. The pope opposes the Magisterium- which must interpret Magisterial Documents rationally. He chooses to be irrational. He chooses to interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, with a fake premise and inference. Even the SSPX are part of the schism. They are allowed to build new seminaries and ordain new priests. Since they are in the same camp as the liberals. The liberal-traditionalist division does not depend upon the Latin Mass but the use of the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II etc.

The SSPX can have conferences in the hotels of the USA and continue to publish books as long as they keep interpreting Vatican Council II as a break and not continuity with Tradition. They are allowed to ordain new priests and hold conferences just like the main line Church which also interprets Vatican Council II with the same fake premise and the result is liberalism.

Without the fake premise there is no liberalism and so no liberal-traditionalist division.

Vocations to the religious life are accepted by the SSPX and the main line Church, only from those candidates who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and so reject the Athanasius Creed, change the Nicene Creed and shelve the Syllabus of Errors. It is obligatory for them to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally to avoid the Anti Semitism charge and lose their tax exempt status.

So cardinals Greco, Hollerich, Kasper, Koch and Nichols are in the same boat as sedevcantist bishops Sanborn and Pivarunas. They reject Tradition. They do not interpreting the Council, non-schismatically.They choose to interpret the Council schismatically and so are correct politically, with the Left. Even Bishop Richard Williamson and the bishops he has ordained are on board and the ship is adrift. The Catholic Church is in a general state of schism. - Lionel Andrades

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