Monday, May 15, 2023

England has a new king with no queen.


England has a new king with no queen. Charles is no more the defender of the Christian faith since Protestantism and Anglicism no more exists in its original form, when it replaced the Catholic Church. Instead the English monarchy is officially the defender of Scottish Freemasonry. What a degeneration ! How can you serve both God and Satan at the same time? Charles does not believe that Jesus Christ should be the center of all political legislation in Britain.

We can hardly blame him when Pope Francis is no more the defender of the Catholic Faith, outside of which there is no salvation for King Charles.

A politically incorrect apparition to a religious sister recently, labeled Pope Francis the destroyer of the faith.

Things have gone to such a leftist-extreme that Pope Francis is not allowed to affirm Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. Even the Catechism of the Catholic Church (845, 846, 1257 etc) could be labeled Anti Semitic. The Bible is a threat to Satan’s political system, especially in Britain.So Cardinal Vincent Nichols in England interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and dishonestly to avoid being hit with leftist laws.The bias media do not have a problem with this unethical interpretation of the Council.This is England today.

The monarchical solemn ceremonies are impressive, like those of the Armed Forces parades and films with panoramic views of large armies in formation . I would not compare the ceremony to the Latin Mass.

The Latin Mass today is not the same as the Latin Mass of the 16the century, even though the rubrics, vestments, processionals etc are the same. Since Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally produces a rupture with Tradition, a cut off with the Church Fathers, the Early Church, and the Early Catholic Church. So the ecclesiology of the Church, the understanding on salvation, mission, baptism, marriage etc, is the same at the Latin and Novus Ordo Mass. The New Missal is based upon Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. The New Catholic Moral Theology is also based upon Vatican Council II (irrational). It suppors bad morals in the Church. These are the same morals, as in England.- Lionel Andrades

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