Monday, May 15, 2023

Pope Francis must choose martyrdom like the first 100 popes


The Coptic Orthodox martyrs added to the Catholic list of saints shows Pope Francis' lack of Catholic faith.The Coptic martyrs belong to a Church which does not recognise the Catholic faith.The Coptic martyrs belong to a Church which does not recognise the Catholic Sacraments, which Catholics have been martyred. The Copts do not have the Catholic beliefs which are necessary for salvation.

The Catholic Church teaches in Vatican Council II that outside the Church there is no salvation (Ad Gentes 7)  and that all need faith and baptism to avoid Hell ( for salvation). The Catechism says God the Father wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church (CCC 845).The Catholic Church is like the Ark of Noah that saves in the Flood (CCC 845).Those who are outside are lost. Catholics are the new Chosen People, the elect ( Nostra Aetate 4).In Heaven there are only Catholics, who are there with faith and baptism ( AG 7) and without the mortal sins, including mortals sins of faith.

The Egyptian martyrs, and we can call them martyrs in the general sense of the word, did not have Catholic faith. They are not believers within the Catholic Church. They cannot be put at par with Catholic martyrs who lived their Catholic faith and were killed for it and who are now in Heaven.

Under pressure from those working for a global new world religion; a false religion, Pope Francis has included the Coptic martyrs in the liturgical books. This time he did not mention Vatican Council II as the reason, for now it is known that the Council interpreted rationally would indicate that the Copts are in Hell without Catholic faith.

The Council can morally, only be interpreted rationally and it indicates in (LG 14 and AG 7) that the Coptic martyrs are in Hell. Yet now Catholic priests will have to pray for them as if they are in Heaven.

Cardinals, bishops and priests will have to mention the names of the un-believers, non Catholics, as if they are in Heaven. According to the Council of Florence, even if one is a martyr who gives his life for Christ, but is outside the Church he cannot be saved.

Pope Francis is outside the Church himself when he offers Holy Mass, while not affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the Council of Florence (1442).This is a mortal sin of faith. He is not in communion with Jesus and His Church until he ends this scandal. He is the pope but he is outside the Church because of grave public sin. He is the political and head of the Catholic Church when he is in mortal sin. Heresy (denial or alteration of the Creeds etc) and schism (rupture with the Magisterial over the century on de fide teachings) are an impediment to his offering Holy Mass.

St.Alphonsus Liguori says that if there is a priest- and we could add bishop, cardinal or pope, who is in mortal sin, do not go up to receive the Eucharist from him at Holy Mass. He says it is not an act of charity. Since the priest is oriented to Hell. Going to receive the Eucharist from him normally would indicate that all is well.

It is important to note that believing in Jesus is not enough for salvation. Even a Catholic could believe in Jesus but go to Hell for un-repentant mortal sins.

Even popes have to go for Confession, correct their mistakes in public and avoid mortal sin.

The first 100 popes of the Catholic Church were martyrs. They did not compromise Catholic doctrine.

Pope Francis needs to affirm Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms. They all can only be interpreted rationally. He is not doing this and so neither is the cardinals, bishops and priests.This is a kind of official apostasy. -Lionel Andrades

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