Sunday, May 21, 2023

Taylor, for President!


As I run for President of the United States, I am placing on my platform the definition of “matrimony” as one man and one woman united by vows “until death do us part.” I will push for this definition to be recognized by the United States and by the United Nations.

Taylor, for President!

The Catholic Church should be actively participating in national politics since Vatican Council II can only be interpreted rationally and so the Church returns to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, upon which is proclaimed the non separation of Church and State and the Social Reign of Christ as King in all political legislation.

 Let’s see how the political system in the USA responds to Dr.Taylor Marshall. The issue is not whether he wins or loses, but how much he can project his good values, how much he can catechize Catholics. He could do what the bishops are unable to do because of political restrictions.

Among other things he has announced that he will work for an end to pornography -abortion too.

Pope Francis supports liberalism and the Left. He uses his political power to interpret Vatican Council II as it is approved by the ADL. Taylor could work for financing bishops who interpret the Council rationally and teach traditional Catechism.The Vatican embassies are presently supporting a non Catholic religion based upon the false and unethical interpretation of the Council.

His message to Catholics, at least, will be that the Church and State are not separate. The separation of the Church and State is a secular concept supported by Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally and so as a break with Tradition.

Taylor Marshall could bring out the good things in the American  people  just as Obama and Biden drew out the bad.

Initially it was thought that Trump was the underdog and he had no chance of winning. The media was against him. But the American people were listening to him.They will also listen to Taylor.

The real issue in American politics is not economics but morals: Heaven or Hell, God or Satan, angels or demans. There is a war on the spiritual level.

The US Congress passed a motion many years back supporting Vatican Council II interpreted irrationally. This was not Catholic. Taylor could be a rational and traditional voice in US politics.

He could work to set up a Catholic political party, with common Catholic values all over the world. This is easier now, since the teachings of the Chutch on doctrine are consistent. The liberalism in the Church has become obsolete with the discovery of Vatican Council II and othe Magisterial Documents, interpreted with a rational premise, inference and conclusion.-Lionel Andrades

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