Sunday, May 21, 2023

There is no honest theology which could support the priests new understanding of being Church. He can no more seek refuge in Vatican Council II


When the priest speaks about a New Theology, or new concept of being Church or a new concept of being Christian or a New Ecumenism, where is the theology to support him ? Vatican Council II ?

Yesterday in three languages, Italian, French and English, the priest at Mass in Italian at the church San Giuseppe a Capo le Case, Rome, mentioned the new ecclesiology, the new understanding of being Church. He said Jesus, after the Ascension, was present not only in the church/ Catholic Church, but even outside the Church.

Yes God can be present outside the church, in ways known only to God, but salvation is there in only the Catholic Church.

If the priest   was saying that there is salvation outside the Catholic Church, where is the theology to support this new opinion ? Vatican Council II ?

The Council can only be interpreted rationally and then it supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. The liberalism can only come with the false premise, the irrational version of Vatican Council II.

So there is no honest theology which could  support the priests new understanding of being Church. He can no more seek refuge in Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

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