Friday, June 23, 2023

Father Stefano Visintin osb has reconciled with the developments in the Church and chooses to remain a professor of theology at St.Anselm , where the atmosphere is political and not Catholic.


Fr.Stefano Visintin OSB, former Rector and Dean of Theology at the University of St. Anselm, Rome, said there are no objective cases of people being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.This is mind blowing. So there are no objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), for him. To make matters worse the Italian priest-theologian and physicist is supported by Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, the former Nuncio to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The same opinion is held by the American apologist John Martignoni who features on EWTN.

 So Visintin, indicates that Pope Francis is not apostolic when he uses the fake premise and inference to interpret the Creeds, Church Councils including Vatican Council II, and the Catechisms including the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

He is presently the Abbot at the Benedictine Abbey of Praglia, Padova, Italy. He suggests that the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican are making the same factual error. 

Cardinal Arthur Roche and the faculty at University of St. Anselm are following the same political theology and so they removed Visintin as Rector and Dean of Theology. Since he would be saying that Pope Francis closed the Terra Santa seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Boccea, Rome and the San Rafael seminary, in Mendoza, Argentina, while interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. The pope was also ignoring the factual mistake in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston (LOHO).

All the popes from Paul VI to Francis have ignored the 1949 CDF mistake in the LOHO.It was placed in the Denzinger, with the error, and referenced in Vatican Council II (LG 16).

It was Pope Pius XII who made a mistake in the 1949 LOHO when he projected invisible cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, as being visible examples of salvation outside the Church.So he wrongly concluded that they were objective exceptions for Feeneyite EENS based upon the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) and the Council of Florence (1442).These Councils like the Jesuit Fr. Leonard Feeney, did not mention any exceptions.

But Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the CDF, inserted Pius XII mistake in two papers of the International Theological Commission. They are Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being Baptized. Fr. Luiz Ladaria sj, an official of the CDF at that time,approved the mistake.So did the other priests who were employed by the CDF and Ecclesia Dei.

The seminary’s closure in Argentina resulted in public protests, rosary rallies outside the residence of the bishop and caravan of cars through other cities of the diocese. Bishop Taussig who was later removed by Pope Francis, did not know about Fr. Stefano Visintin’s observation. Pope Francis was making an objective mistake and was not magisterial or apostolic when he closed down the Argentine seminary which had many vocations.

With the irrational invisible-people- are -visible confusion Pope Francis was also changing the interpretation of the Nicene and Athanasius Creed.So canonically he has no right to offer Holy Mass until the scandal was removed.Canonically he needs to be a Catholic and affirm Church teachings.

If Taussig had called attention to the  mistake in the 1949 Letter, then Pope Francis would have to return to Tradition.The pope would be labeled a traditionalist. Since there would be no support for his liberalism in Vatican Council II, interpreted honestly.He would not have any other choice.

Visintin has reconciled with the developments in the Church.He chooses to remain a professor of theology at St.Anselm, where the atmosphere is political and not Catholic.–Lionel Andrades


The Rector of the Pontifical Ateneo Sant’Anselmo in Rome was elected abbot of the Benedictine community of Praglia on May 24, 2019. Abbot Stefano Visintin OSB is professor of Fundamental Theology at our Pontifical University and has been the Rector since June 2017.

Abbot Stefano was born in Gorizia in August 1959; he has been a professed monk of the Praglia monastery since 1990 and a priest since 2009.


  • Degree in Physics with specialization in Nuclear (University of Trieste 1988), with a dissertation on “Mass Spectrometry of High Energy” (Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy);
  • Baccalaureate in Theology (Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo, 1994);
  • License in Theology with specialization in Fundamental Theology (Pontifical Gregorian University, 1996);
  • Doctorate in Theology (Pontifical Gregorian University, 1999), with a dissertation on the relationship between experience and revelation;
  • Master in Counseling Psychology (European University of Rome, 2007); and
  • “Certificate of Advanced English” from the University of Cambridge.

Abbot Stefano speaks Italian, English and German.

Research and Books

Current fields of research: topics of fundamental theology, such as the relationship between science and theology and the role of human experience in religion; topics in the history of theology such as modernism; and the theology of K. Rahner.


  • Professor of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Sant’Anselmo (since 2001);
  • Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Sant’Anselmo (2005-2016);
  • Subprior of the Pontifical College of Sant’Anselmo (2004-2017);
  • Vice-Rector of the Pontifical Ateneo Sant’Anselmo (2009-2017); and
  • Consultor “ad casum” of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints (from 2012).

‘Don't we have a place in the Church?’: Read pope’s response to Argentine priest on seminary's closure's%20closure%20sparked%20public,decision%20to%20close%20the%20seminary.


JUNE 22, 2023

We now have new information. It is a breakthrough.It is the popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who will now be on the defensive, on Vatican Council II.

JUNE 22, 2023

I am affirming Vatican Council II like Pope Francis and Pope Benedict but I am interpreting it with the Rational and not Irrational Premise. So our conclusions are different

JUNE 22, 2023

Creeds change with the interpretation of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance

 JUNE 22, 2023

Pope Pius XII was a Cushingite and not Feeneyite in Mystici Corporis. He accepted the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office which used the Irrational Premise to interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. This was Cushingite and not Feeneyite. Then he did not support Fr. Leonard Feeney in public. Pius XII died and did not lift the excommunication


 JUNE 22, 2023

Pope Francis is not Magisterial on Vatican Council II when he chooses the Irrational Premise to interpret the Council . He is Magisterial when he interprets Vatican Council II only with the Rational Premise and Inference

JUNE 22, 2023

The future of the Catholic main line Church is Tradition. Since ethically Vatican Council II must only be interpreted rationally and not irrationally. But when it is interpreted rationally the conclusion is traditional.

JJUNE 22, 2023

The future popes, cardinals, bishops, priests, religious sisters and laity in general are expected to be traditional. Since Vatican Council II can only be interpreted honestly. The premise has to be rational only. The conclusion is traditional.

JUNE 22, 2023

The basic issue which I keep writing about here is philosophical and not theological.

JUNE 22, 2023

The Nicene Creed is interpreted with the False not the Rational Premise and so the conclusion is nontraditional, schismatic and heretical. This is official.


JUNE 22, 2023

Understanding of the Nicene Creed has been changed

 JUNE 22, 2023

If Pope Francis rejects the mistake in the 1949 LOHO and re-interprets Vatican Council II rationally he becomes a traditionalist

JUNE 22, 2023

So why does Pope Francis not affirm the Athanasius Creed which says all need to be Catholic for salvation.This Creed is not contradicted by Vatican Council II ( rational ).

JUNE 22, 2023

How can Pope Francis interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and still be pope? There is no clarification from the Congregation for the Doctrine.

 JUNE 22, 2023

The Principle of Non Contradiction also applies to a pope. They too must follow Newton's Laws of Physics

JUNE 22, 2023

I accept Vatican Council II as a legitimate Council for me. The Council supports the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the rest of Tradition. I interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA2, GS 22 etc, as being only hypothetical.

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