Tuesday, June 27, 2023

So when Cardinals Hollerich and Grech support polygamy, LGBT-sex etc it has not theological basis in Vatican Council II, since the Council can only be interpreted rationally. It then supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology, traditional mission, traditional faith and morals and the old exclusivist salvation theology. So there cannot any more be changes in doctrine based upon Vatican Council II.


So when Cardinals Hollerich and Grech support polygamy, LGBT-sex etc it has not theological basis in Vatican Council II, since the Council can only be interpreted rationally. It then supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology, traditional mission, traditional faith and morals and the old exclusivist salvation theology. So there cannot any more be changes in doctrine based upon Vatican Council II. The Council can only be interpreted ethically and rationally. 

So, as I mentioned earlier, why must there be visitations by bishops who do not interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms rationally and so are not apostolic? The Church Fathers and the popes and saints in the middle Ages were rational in the interpretation of the Councils, Creeds and Catechisms. How can Pope Francis and the cardinals and bishops refer to an ‘apostolic’ visitation? - Lionel Andrades

  JUNE 26, 2023

Tyler, Texas  ,https://eucharistandmission.blogspot.com/2023/06/tyler-texas.html







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