Sunday, July 16, 2023

At the Pontificial Regina Apostolorum University Rome they are not Magisterial. The theology is political and not apostolic

This is the presentation of the Department of Theology at the Pontificial Regina Apostolorum, Rome of the Legion of Christ. On the faculty for theology is Fr. Edward McNamara l.c.


In communion with the Magisterium  ( they are referring to Cushingite popes , cardinals and bishops.This is not the Magisterium. The Magisterium can only be Feeneyite i,e interpret Magisterial Documents rationally only)  we form Christian leaders - clerics and lay people(  

(since with Cushingism they reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally, they no more have the old Catholic ecclesiology. So they form Christians and not specifically Catholics) - by:

 • careful preparation and theological research to serve the Church by evangelizing today’s constantly evolving world;

• comprehensive education that places our students at the center, giving them the opportunity to tailor their studies with optional courses, according to their own educational, academic and personal needs. The didactic approach encourages maximum student participation in seminars, presentations, and question sessions.

WHO SHOULD APPLY? Seminarians and religious preparing for the priestly ministry, pastoral agents and all those who intend to continue their university studies in Theological Sciences.(Those Catholics who interpret Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Creeds etc rationally, to maintain a continuity with the theology of the 16th century,need not apply.If they do get through and are detected they will not be allowed to sit for the Final Matriculation Examination. This is official.)

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Higher Secondary Education Diploma (High School Diploma) or Equivalent Title.

STRUCTURE Five years (ten semesters), divided into a two-year introductory philosophical period and a three-year theological period. The Philosophical Bachelor’s obtained in an ecclesiastical Faculty replaces the philosophy courses of the First Cycle of the theological five-year period. Students in possession of the certificate of philosophical-theological studies carried out in a major seminary or in another approved higher institute, can be admitted to the First Cycle, taking into account the studies already completed and, depending on the case, also prescribing special courses and exams.


1. Connect the truths of faith in an organic, systematic and complete vision;With Cushingism they reject the truths of the faith and do not deny it in public.The theology is political-left and biased. It is not Catholic.

2. Interpret the human condition in the light of Creation, the Fall, and Redemption;

3. Understand and loyally explain the teachings of the Church;(They are political in theology and so cannot be loyal to the past Magisterium over the centuries. They are loyal to the political Left).

4. Bear personal and ecclesial witness;There is a witness to liberalism and not orthodoxy in theology.

5. Care about pastoral and missionary needs;They have rejected traditional mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. There is no exclusive salvation in the Church when they choose Cushingism as a philosophy and theology.

6. Discover the relationships between faith and reason, There is a rupture between faith and reason when they use the common False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II and change the Catholic faith.

with the help of the philosophical and theological doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas.Aquinas held the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). He was a  Feeneyite on EENS.He interpreted being saved in invincible ignorance,rationally, with Feeneyism. On both these issues the faculty use Cushingism and produce a break with Tradition.The faculty are afraid to affirm Feeneyite EENS. For then they will be expelled and lose their mandatum to teach theology.

Irrational Cushingism is obligatory for all the pontifical universities in Rome. So their theology is not apostolic, it is a break with the Church Fathers. They also use the Fake Premise and Inference and this cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. So they are not Magisterial on this issue. It is the same with the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican and Pope Francis.

 - Lionel Andrades






THEOLOGICAL TRIENNIUM Students acquire skills in the following thematic areas:

• Fundamental Theology: science of faith, credibility and transmission of revelation;

• Sacred Scripture: introduction and exegesis of the Old and New Testaments, courses dedicated to the main groups of biblical texts;

• Church History: ancient and medieval; modern and contemporary;

 • Patrology; • Dogmatic Theology: Trinity, Christology and soteriology, mariology, ecclesiology, theological anthropology, eschatology;

• Liturgy and sacraments: dogmatic and pastoral study of the liturgy and of the sacraments;

• Fundamental and special moral theology: sexual morality, life issues, social doctrine of the Church;

• Spiritual theology: organism of the spiritual life, theological and cardinal virtues;

• Canon law;

 • Auxiliary disciplines: biblical Greek and biblical Hebrew;

• Disciplines to choose from: Christian archaeology of ancient Rome, architecture and Christian art in the Rome of the popes; psychology and spiritual direction; pastoral administration of the sacrament of reconciliation; homiletics


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