Sunday, July 16, 2023

When Cushingism is used to interpret Magisterial Documents, to produce a break with Tradition it is dishonest. They are acadamically unethical at the Legion of Christ, University Pontificial Regina Apostolorum (UPRA), in Rome. The liberalism of the Synods also comes with this same Cushingism.

 Joint Diploma Women and Church

On 12 October 2023 beginning at 18:00 till 19:30

Women and men in a synodal community

The Joint Diploma in “Women and the Church: women and men in a synodal community” is a shared initiative between the Institute for Advanced Studies on Women of the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Athenaeum, the Pontifical Urbanian University, the Pontifical Salesian University, the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Pontifical Faculty of Education Auxilium and the Claretianum Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life.

Joint Diploma Women and Church

Dal 12 ottobre al 29 febbraio 2024 si terrà la IV edizione del Joint Diploma Donne e Chiesa “Donne e uomini in una comunità sinodale”. 

What is the role of women in the Church? How can processes of mutual collaboration between women and men be activated in ecclesial spaces? “Women and Men in a Synodal Community”

AUDIENCE Addressed to priests, men and women religious and every man and woman involved in the ecclesial sphere or in formative roles.

 DATES AND TIMETABLE 12 October 2023 – 29 February 2024. Synchronous lesson times: every Thursday, from 18:00 to 19:30 (Rome timetable). All materials will be recorded, so that they can be retrieved asynchronously.

 STRUCTURE Available resources: 15 blocks of reading material. More than 40 videos of teachers. 15 synchronous lessons. 3 experiential workshops. Teaching forum for each topic, and complementary bibliography. 2 international round tables. 1 Open Class. Credits: 12 ECTS COST 500 euro


 Socio-historical: presents the active processes since the nineteenth century and still in taking place according to a varied context. It aims to suggest new developments that allow us to proceed with a proactive spirit.

Anthropological: deepens the meaning of sexual difference to illuminate how collaboration and reciprocity between men and women can be expressed in ecclesial contexts.

Ecclesiological takes up the salient points of the conciliar and postconciliar Magisterium with regard to the laity and women, to open paths of creative, faithful and prophetic application.

Workshops: a space to explore and enhance aspects of oneself to favor the perception of one’s masculinity or femininity (listening). Interpreting studied contents (Discerning). Personalizing a new way of relating and collaborating as a woman or man for-with-Christ in the Church (acting).


The ecclesiology ( understanding of Church) is flawed. Since it is a break with the understanding of Church at the time of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Siena up to the 1930s. There is a rupture with the past theology of the Church. This is produced by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. The interpretation is Cushingite. So there is an artitifical break with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, Feeneyite baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, Feeneyite Nicene, Apostles and Athanasius Creed, Feeneyite Syllabus of Errors etc.

There are two interpretations of Vatican Council II, Feeneyite and Cushingite, the rational one and the irrational one.One has the hermeneutic of continuity and the other one of rupture. One is ethical and traditional and the other is unethical and its conclusion is non traditional.

When Cushingism is used to interpret Magisterial Documents, to produce a break with Tradition it is dishonest. They are acadamically unethical at the Legion of Christ, University Pontificial Regina Apostolorum (UPRA), in Rome.

The liberalism of the Synods also comes with this same Cushingism. - Lionel Andrades

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