Monday, October 16, 2023

New Salesian Director of the Elledici publishing house writes a book on the Synod. It is not to be recommened

Don Rossano Sala , Special Secretary for the Synod of the Bishops has written a book for youth introducing the Synods in which he has interpreted Vatican Council II unethically and so liberally as is common among the Salesians. The books, articles and videos of the Salesians (Elledici) which report on the Synods make the same mistake.

The author, a Salesian priest, does not represent Don Bosco who held the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which is not contradicted in 2023 by speculative, theoretical and physically invisible cases referred to in LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3,NA 2, GS 22 etc, in Vatican Council II.

The book is I Giovani, la fede e il discernimento vocazionale ( Documento Finale) 2018 published by Elledici, the publishing house of the Salesians of which he is the new director. He explains and introduces the document issued by the Vatican. He refers to the Instrumentum Laboris and the Final Document. This Final Document will indicate the future orientation of the Church which is being discussed this month in Rome.

The publishers have placed the book in the Category : Magisterium. But how can it be Magisterial when Vatican Council II is being interpreted irrationally and not rationally ?

Free copies of this book were available for the youth at the Sacred Heart Basilica opposite Termini, Rome.Catholic tradititional morals  are not discussed. The books written in the familiar obscure Vaticanese style, hides the truth of the Faith to present an alien ideology. 

There is a lot written on accompaniment and being a listening Church. There is nothing about Don Bosco’s concept of sin and Hell. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is not cited on adultery (polygamy) and homosexual unions being mortal sins. The books is written in a superficial style, touching upon different leftist subjects but with no depth. I would recommend the youth not to read it.

The youth do not have to accept Fr. Rossano Sala and Pope Francis’ irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. It can be changed.

When LG 8, 14, 15, 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to physically invisible cases in 2023 then there is no rupture with Don Bosco’s concept of the Church (ecclesiology). There is no change in Catholic faith and morals. We are back to the ecclesiocentrism of Don Bosco.

There are so many of these books being produced . They begin by interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise and then justify the expected liberal conclusion.  -Lionel Andrades


Documento finale

Il Documento finale riassume e riunisce le tematiche discusse durante l'Assemblea generale svoltasi tra il 3 e il 28 ottobre 2018. Il testo vuole essere una mappa per orientare i prossimi passi che la Chiesa รจ chiamata a muovere, per tornare ad essere una luce per i giovani.

EditoreElle Di Ci
DestinatariAdulti , Giovani
Formatodisponibile nel formato Libro Libro

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