Saturday, September 21, 2024

Roberto dei Mattei is also interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents irrationally. There is no denial. This is not the doctrinal foundation of the Catholic Church.


Roberto de Mattei

In recent weeks some facts and “non-facts” have been at the centre of attention on Catholic social media. The facts are those that have really happened; the “non-facts” are the hypothetical ones, present in the imagination of bloggers more than in reality…

The real fact that instead deserves the greatest attention is the initiation of an extra-judicial trial against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Lionel : Another real fact is the trial was based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with LG 8,14,15,16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc referring to objective and not subjective cases, explicit and not implicit cases, visible and not invisible cases. This is how Roberto dei Mattei and Archbishop Vigano interpret the Council. So their conclusion is not the same as mine. For me LG 8 etc refer to implicit, invisible, subjective and unknown cases in 2024. So they are not objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Athanasius Creed and the past exclusivist ecclesiology for me.

This is the big difference between them and me.



 The main accusation is that of having broken off communion with the Church of Rome and of having fallen into the offence of schism.

Lionel. It is Pope Francis and the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally, confusing what is hypothetical as being objective in the present times. In this way they break communion with the Magisterial before 1949 on the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms. This is heresy and schism. It is not Magisterial and it is official and public.

This is not a condemnation since the cardinals and bishops and the rest of the Church make the same mistake. I call it Cushingism as opposed to Feeneyism.


The news came from the archbishop himself on 20 June, on his X account, and the following day in a statement in which the former nuncio to the United States declared that he would not take part in the judicial proceedings against him. On 28 June, in a strongly worded document against Pope Francis, entitled “J’sccuse,” Archbishop Viganò declared among other things: “Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This in no way contradicts the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur, because it is evident that, since a heretic is unable to assume the Papacy, he is not above the Prelates who judge him.”

Lionel. As mentioned above the same heresy and schism which comes from the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II is there not only among the popes, cardinals and bishops but also in the writings of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and Roberto dei Mattei. There is no denial from them. For them Lumen Gentium 16 refers to an explicit case, a literal case in the present times for them and so it is  an objective exception for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition. For me LG 16 is an implicit and hypothetical case.


Since last year Archbishio Viganò had publicly stated that the See of Peter was occupied, in his opinion, by a usurper, but with his J’accuse his position becomes clear and official. For this reason he states: “I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its Prefect, nor of the one who appointed him.” His decision not to appear confirms the accusations made against him and of which he has boasted, declaring: “I regard the accusations against me as an honor” (post of 20 June).

There are those who emphasise that the severe measures announced against Archbishop Viganò are not matched with like severity towards notorious propagators of heresies, such as some German bishops. But the German bishops, applying the strategy of modernism, according to which one must fight against Rome while remaining within the walls of Rome, are careful not to publicly deny the authority of the pope. They undoubtedly deserve to be condemned, but how could one demand their condemnation if Rome were to abstain from condemning one who who rejects its authority not in fact, but in principle?

Lionel. The German bishops like Archbishop Vigano and Roberto dei Mattei get their common heresy and schism from Cushingism; from the irrational interpretation of the Council and other texts. They choose a false premise (invisible people are visible) to interpret all the Catechism. For me invisible people are invisible on earth. So I return to the old theology and traditional doctrines. No liberalism is possible when the Council is interpreted rationally.


There are also those who compare the case of Archbishop Viganò with that of the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. But the difference between the two cases is evident. Archbishop Lefebvre never disavowed the authority of Rome. After the first condemnation, in May 1975, of the endeavour established in Ecône by the bishop of Fribourg, it was Archbishop Lefebvre himself who ask that, faced with such an abuse of power, his case be judged by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. On 28 January 1978, Cardinal Seper, prefect of the former Holy Office, sent substantial documentation to Ecône, to which Archbishop Lefebvre was asked to respond. The French archbishop maintained extensive correspondence with the Holy See, and the proceedings of the investigation were published by the magazine Itinéraires in May 1979, appearing thereafter in Italian translation with the title Mons. Lefebvre e il Sant’Uffizio (Giovanni Volpe Editore, 1980). Reading these documents is highly instructive, also for understanding the position of the French archbishop who, in his last letter to Card. Seper of 29 January 1979, entrusted “everything to the judgment of the Holy Father,” who was now John Paul II. Archbishop Lefebvre then accepted the visitation of Card. Gagnon, whom the pope sent to the seminary of Ecône in 1987. A friend and confidant of Card. Gagnon, Fr Charles Theodore Murr, testified that the Canadian cardinal’s report was laudatory of the FSSPX, and in particular of the study programmes in Ecône (preface to Kennedy Hall, The Defence, Augustinus Press 2023). An intense negotiation between Archbishop Lefebvre and the then prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Josef Ratzinger, took place, moreover, until the eve of the episcopal consecrations in Ecône on 30 June 1988.

Lionel: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, like Pope Paul VI and Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani was interpreting Vatican Council II with the common false premise, which came from the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston.The same irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II was supported by Cardinal Ratzinger. The confusion over what is literal and what is not was not corrected by the popes from Pius XII to Francis.


Many admirers of Archbishop Viganò therefore do not get the point, reacting to the news of the trial by agreeing with the archbishop, because “he speaks clearly, like Archbishop Lefebvre,” unlike other pastors who today are silent in the face of the profound crisis of the Church. The issue is not that of Archbishop Viganò’s criticisms of Pope Francis, correct on some points, but of his declared intention to break off any form of communion with him and with the Roman See.

Lionel: Is he obliged to support a pope who interprets Magisterial Documents irrationally? No condemnations can be made since the whole Church is Cushingite, at present. It is like the Arian heresy of past times. It is like an epidemic in the Catholic Church.


Moreover, one cannot limit oneself to carrying out such a grave and radical action by simply announcing it in a statement, without giving it a valid doctrinal foundation.

Lionel: Roberto dei Mattei is also interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents irrationally. There is no denial. This is not the doctrinal foundation of the Catholic Church.



The reference to the bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of 15 February 1559, in which Paul IV states that a heretic is not eligible to receive authority even if elected, is extremely weak. This bull teaches only that a pope can be corrected, unless it can be shown that he was already a heretic at the time of his election. Was Cardinal Bergoglio such? It must be demonstrated. Does the “defect of consent” of which Archbishop Viganò speaks correspond to the “Cassiciacum Thesis” of Bishop Guérard de Lauriers, to which the Mater Boni Consilii institute now refers (see Whether Archbishop Viganò’s position is this one or another, it should be supported by in-depth studies of theology, of canon law, of Church history, which as of today have not been produced.

Lionel: Even Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI were interpreting Magisterial Documents irrationally. The proof is there in public. This is not just an opinion of mine.


But there is another even more decisive aspect. In the current confusion of the religious crisis it is not possible to survive spiritually without the special help of grace, which comes through the sacraments, especially those most frequent in everyday life, such as communion and confession. Who are the priests to whom, according to Archbishop Viganò, one should turn to obtain the necessary spiritual nourishment? It seems that not only are the institutes that hark back to the ex-Ecclesia Dei excluded from his horizon, but so is the Society of Saint Pius X, which routinely prays Pro Pontifice nostro Francisco.

And this brings up the final question: where is, for Archbishop Viganò, the Catholic Church? Not the virtual church to which many assiduous visitors of the traditionalist blogs adhere, but the real Church, which is visible in its immutable doctrine, in its uninterrupted apostolic succession and in the life infused by its sacraments. Without this visible church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, the soul dies of asphyxiation.

Lionel. The visible Church exists in spite of the confusion in theology among the liberals and traditionalists.


Shakespeare said that “all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” (As You Like It, Act II, 7). There is a profound truth in these words, but the stage of the world is not a blog, because the fate of the men who perform on this stage is a dramatic reality. What is at stake is their eternal life.

Lionel: Eternal life is at stake?

Prof. Roberto dei Mattei, author, historian, a Catholic whom I respect, is unable to state:-

 ‘Lionel, I affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no exceptions (Council of Florence 1442).

I accept the Athanasius Creed with no exceptions.

I accept Vatican Council II with Lumen Gentium 8,14,15,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc being hypothetical cases. They refer to invisible people in 2024.

‘For me the Catechism of the Catholic Church (847-848- invincible ignorance etc) does not contradict CCC 845-846(outside the Church there is no salvation).’- Lionel Andrades

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