Friday, October 30, 2009


There is a report in FaithWorld RELIGION, FAITH AND ETHICS (October 13th, 2009) titled
“Return to past” is SSPX motto for doctrinal talks with Vatican Posted by: Tom Heneghan

They have published two of my comments with this report.

Vatican Council II actually says that Judaism, Islam and the other religions are not paths to salvation. (Ad Gentes 7) Their followers need Catholic Faith and Baptism in general, to avoid Hell (Lumen Gentium 14).

The Holy Office in a Letter (1949) on Father Leonard Feeney said that Baptism was needed for all in general–with exceptions. Jews convert! (Jn: 3:5, Mk.16:15-16, CCC1257, Dominus Iesus 3, 20). It affirmed the ‘dogma’, the ‘infallible’ teaching.

Vatican Council II acknowledged the exceptions to the general rule (Lumen Gentium 16).

The ordinary means of salvation is the Catholic Church (Redemptoris Mission 55).Though Hindus and Buddhists could be saved in the extraordinary way, the exceptions to the rule. The ordinary way of salvation is not non-Catholic religions as Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J believed. (Notification, Dupuis, CDF, Vatican 2001).

‘Therefore, all must be converted to Him as He is made known by the Church’s preaching. All must be incorporated into Him by baptism, and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself explicit terms affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism (cf.Mk.16:16; Jn.3:5) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ would refuse to enter her or to remain in her could not be saved. - Decree on the Missionary activity of the Church, Ad Gentes # 7, Vatican Council II

‘This sacred Synod turns its attention first to the Catholic faithful. Basing itself upon sacred Scripture and tradition, it teaches that the Church, now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. For Christ, made present to us in His Body, which is the Church, is the one Mediator and the unique Way of salvation. In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism (cf.Mk.16:16; Jn.3:5) and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. Whosoever, therefore, knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ, would refuse to enter her or to remain in her could not be saved.’- Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium #1Vatican Council II.

- Posted by Lionel Andrades ( October 16th, 2009 10:29 am GMT)

The Archdiocese of Boston, USA has made available information on its official website which is not in agreement with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Ecumenical / Interreligious Affairs Section of the diocese website has the text of Nostra Aetate , Vatican Council II but it comes with a Jewish Left interpretation of Vatican Council IL. Judaism is the ordinary way of salvation for Jews is the clear-false message. This is contrary to the Catholic Magisterium, the Teaching Authority of the Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Also the dialogue is being conducted with only one group of Jews, those who are pro abortion and homosexuality and teach syncretism. They do not represent all Jews. The website only refers to ADL, Boston College Center for Jewish Christian Learning, SIDIC and Rabbis who share their ideology.
The articles suggest Catholics should not convert Jews and that Judaism is an equal path to salvation as the Catholic Faith.
There are Jewish Rabbis who have publicly criticized the ADL and have said that they do no object to Catholic Mission and Catholics converting Jews, since they also pray for the conversion of Christians. They also oppose the ADL on the subject of homosexuality and abortion.
(Click on Ecumenical and Inter Religious Affairs of the Archdiocese of Boston website.Then click on
ADL online guide: Nostra Aetate: Transforming the Catholic-Jewish Relationship.( terfaith/nostra_aetate.htm) includes essays by some of the world’s leading Jewish-Catholic interfaith experts who analyze the history and significance of Nostra Aetate, ( ra_aetate_whatisit.htm) as well as a practical “how-to” guide on teaching the lessons of Nostra Aetate to new generations of Catholics and Jews.

This “Catholic” website mentions that the Jewish Anti-Defamation League‘(ADL) has announced the creation of a new online guide that explains the historic changes in Church theology and provides educational resources in order to teach them. The Archdiocese encourages it. The resources no where mentions that Nostra Aetate does not say that Judaism is a path of salvation. Neither does Nostra Aetate say that Jews in general are saved in Judaism or that Jews do not have to convert. So the educational resources are in error.

The Catholic Church sees salvation among the Jews and Muslims as the extraordinary, exceptional way. This is how Nostra Aetate and Vatican Council II are officially interpreted by the Catholic Church.

The website puts aside Vatican Council II as interpreted by the Church and only what is liked and comfortable is chosen. Nostra Aetate is served without Vatican Council II’s Ad Gentes, the Church’s teaching on Missionary Activity.
Ad Gentes 7 says all people need to enter the Catholic Church.
Lumen Gentium 14 says Catholic Faith and Baptism are needed for all. The website holds that non Catholic religions are the ordinary way of salvation.
Ad Gentes 7 Vatican Council II: that all people need to enter the Catholic Church.
Lumen Gentium 14 Vatican Council: Catholic Faith and Baptism are needed for all.
The Decree on Ecumenism ( UR ) 3, Vatican Council II: Catholic Church is the true faith.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church 845: God the Father wants all people to worship Him and to enter the Catholic Church. God the Father wants all people to be united into the Catholic Church.
Notification,N.7, Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican Prefect: Cardinal Ratzinger: All people need to be oriented into the Catholic Church and to be a part of her .
Do the priests who maintain the website have the right to celebrate Holy Mass and/or receive the Holy Eucharist?

A Catholic Religious needs to believe in the teaching outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, since it is linked to the Creed (Nicene and Apostles) and the First Commandment. Otherwise the religious has no right canonically to call himself a Catholic. If he is a priest he is not to celebrate Holy Mass or to receive the Holy Eucharist. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Catholic Church. To reject a dogma is a mortal sin.
The website is a negative proclamation of the religious in Boston .

Cardinal Castrillion Hoyes former Prefect of the Vatican Ecclesia Dei required all priests who celebrate Holy Mass according to the Tridentine Rite to sign an indult stating that they accept the Catholic Church’s interpretation of Vatican Council II. What about the priests who support the Boston Archdiocese Website and work at the Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue. Do they not have to sign an indult?

So who’s Vatican II?

- Posted by Lionel Andrades (October 16th, 2009 10:22 am GMT)

Lionel's E-News for the week Oct.30-Nov.5, 2009

Lionel's E-News for the week Oct.30-Nov.5, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lionel Andrades, Catholic layman
YOU COULD USE THE FOLLOWING MESSAGES AS STICKERS. Make copies  and paste them on walls, tables, computers, cars etc. This is an easy way to share the one, true Faith.

If anyone has questions you can refer them to my Blog and Youtube Channel or let them write to me. You can also access the websites of Catholic Apologetics International, Scott Hahn, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Beware of EWTN (Fr. William Most) and Karl Keating’s Catholic Answers. Beware also of alleged ‘Catholic’ websites faithful to the Jewish Left ‘Magisterium’.

Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation


Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
 Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
La Chiesa Cattolica- fuori di cui non c’e salvezza
Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Catholics are the Chosen People of God.
The Remnant of Israel.
God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside the Church No Salvation
Please feel free to edit the above messages and also make your own stickers

De facto everyone, without exception needs
to enter the Catholic Church
 to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
(Letter of the Holy Office 1949,
Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14,Vatican
Council II, Council of Florence)

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Daphne McLeod taught for forty years in Catholic Junior and primary schools.She taught Religious Education. She was a member of the Catholic Evidence Guild, and friend of Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward, and spoke regularly at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park. She is the Chairman of  Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, England. They are a  team responsible for bringing many famous speakers, to address their conferences, including Mother Angelica of EWTN.Her talks are available on the internet and the audio on Ecumenism is higly recommended.
She was asked three questions (29.10.2009) and here is her prompt reply, the same, as that of apologist Scott Hahn. Her answer to the following three questions is YES.

Scott Hahn and Daphne Mcleod are affirming the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus i.e de facto all people with no exception need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. De jure (in prinicple and theology) non Catholics can  be saved, without the Sacraments, in an exception to the general,ordinary rule of Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water. These exceptions are known only to God. We cannot specifically say who they are and  John 3:5 takes priority over any possible exceptions.

In the Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston Cardinal Cushing relative to Fr.Leonard Feeney(1949) the 'dogma' and the 'infallible' teaching was affirmed while those saved implicitly and with an unconscious desire, were acknowledged as exceptional, 'in certain circumstances'. The Letter was critical of Fr.Leonard Feeney for his disobedience and not heresy.There is no document which says that he was excommunicated for heresy.He was disobedient to the Archbishop, who time would show did  not affirm the dogma. Neither did he or the Jesuits of Boston contradict the newspaper reports which said that the Catholic Church has changed its teaching on the need for all people to enter the Church for salvation.

1) Does the Catholic Church teach that non Catholic religions, Hindus, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam etc are not paths to salvation (to go to Heaven and avoid Hell)? YES

2) Does the Catholic Church teach that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people in general, barring the exceptions (invincible ignorance etc ) for salvation? YES

3) When you meet a Jew in Boston or a Muslim in London can you tell him or her that he or she needs Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell? YES

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Halloween is the festival of Satan states Father Tullio Rotondo.He traces the festival to Druidism and witchcraft. He says it is a Satanic festival.

Halloween on the eve of the festival of All Saints (Oct 31) is an Hosanna to the Devil states Father Tullio Rotondo citing the senior Vatican exorcist Fr. Gabrielle Amorth.

The seemingly innocuous invocations, macabre masking, inviting spirits and making it seem a game and fun shows the astuteness of the devil.It makes sin seem as not sin. It also comes disguised as liberty etc.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The Italian Bishops declared that they are no longer going to preach the Gospel to the Jews. They are therefore in apostasy writes Robert Sungenis ( See the website Catholic Apologetics International. Click on Pusillanimous bishops backslide on the Jews ).

Apostasy  is the formal religious disaffiliation or abandonment or renunciation of one's religion, especially if the motive is deemed unworthy. In a technical sense, as used sometimes by sociologists without the pejorative connotations of the word, the term refers to renunciation and criticism of, or opposition to, one's former religion. One who commits apostasy is an apostate, or one who apostatizes. The word derives from Greek αποστασία (apostasia), meaning a defection or revolt, from απο, apo, "away, apart", στασις, stasis, "stand", "standing". The term is sometimes also used to refer to renunciation of a belief or cause by (generally facetious) extension of the religious connotation, such as in reference to a political party or a sports team.

Apostasy is generally not a self-definition: very few former believers call themselves apostates and they generally consider this term to be a pejorative. Many religious movements consider it a vice (sin), a corruption of the virtue of piety in the sense that when piety fails, apostasy is the result. Unlike apostasy, heresy is the rejection or corruption of certain doctrines, not the complete abandonment of one's religion. Heretics claim to still be following a religion (or even to be the "true believers"), whereas apostates reject it entirely.(Wikipidia) Emphasis added
On Sept.22,2009 Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Italy(Cei) issued a Cei directive which statedthat the revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews is not for the conversion of present day Jews. Also, the Catholic Church had no intentions to actively convert Jews.
He mentioned that this was the assurance given earlier by Cardinal T.Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009


They prayed that God may illumine all the people of Israel and they may recognize Jesus as their Saviour and the only means to create peace in the Middle East. There were readings from the Psalms. Catholic hymns focused on Jerusalem.

There were testimonies by two Jews who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour and who evangelize.

The evening of prayer was held last night (Friday) at the Basilica of Santa Anastasia al Palatino in the spirit of the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 11.

Father Alberto Pacini, Rector, prayed that there may be unity in Israel among the Messianic Jews and the Judaic communities. They prayed that the people of Israel may have the unique faith in Jesus.

Vito Carlo a Messianic Jew in his testimony spoke about what the Eucharist meant to him. He supported his view with Bible texts. He closed his talk in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and said Jesus was the Saviour of all people.

Carlo Carroso spoke about his experience in evangelizing in Italy and abroad.

There literature was on sale at the church. There next meeting is on November 7, 2009.

Since July 2001 there have been intercessory prayers for the people of Israel at Santa Anastasia.Messianic Jews have visited the Church and given talks before.

This particular Messianic community has its origins from Benjamin and Rumen Berger, two brothers, to whom Jesus spoke in their heart in 1967. Jesus manifested to the Bergers living in the USA, saying:” I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am Jesus”. Since then the movement has grown in Israel and other countries.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Marquette Bishop Alexander K. Sample, Bishop of the Diocese of Marquette recently banned Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, 79, columnist of the National Catholic Reporter and 'a promoter of homosexuality, contraception, and homosexual and women's ordination, from entering and speaking in his diocese, citing his pastoral duty to defend the "faith and morals" of the Catholic Church. The controversial bishop was set to address the group Marquette Citizens for Peace and Justice' according to

Would bishop Alexander Sample permit bishop Gumbleton to celebrate Mass in his diocese. Would he permit John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter to receive the Eucharist in his diocese?John Allen has been advocating the same issues as Bishop Gumbleton.

In 2007, bishop Gerald F. Kicanas banned Gumbleton from entering his jurisdiction.

Would a Bishop stop a Catholic bioshop and journalist in public mortal sin from celebrating Mass and /or receiveing the Eucharist during Holy Mass?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


There was a feeling of revulsion seeing an Anglican-convert priest celebrating Holy Mass while his wife was in the pews. They had stayed together for the last few days.

I was a seminarian at the Beda Pontifical College, the English seminary for late vocations, under the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales. When I would go to the refectory I would see this couple. They were staying together in the Beda seminary, which is situated opposite the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

The wife was a very friendly person and would move among the different tables at breakfast and dinner, meeting the faculty and seminarians. But I avoided her. There was a feeling of revulsion.

I would see her husband along with about five or six English priests, faculty members at the Beda, celebrate Holy Mass together.

An African seminarian,  now a priest, sitting at the side of me, asked a Carmelite priest during a lecture, if he thought Catholic priests would get married. He answered yes. He said it was not a doctrine but a discipline. The same priest also said that he did not believe Jesus feels in the Eucharist, even though the saints say so.

In this atmosphere one could assume that the presence of that Anglican-convert  priest with his wife at the Beda, was part of the formation for English seminarians who expected the church to change  rules on priestly celibacy.

There were two seminarians whose wife had died and they had grown up children. They are now priests.

So now I think of the thousands of Anglican married priests who will concelebrate Holy Mass with Catholic celibate priests.

The Catholic priests who were celebrating Holy Mass had put aside the Church’s teaching on salvation, especially the dogma outside the church there is no salvation(extra ecclesiam nulla salus).Seminarians could also bring their lady friends who could stay for a few days as their guest in the Beda Guest rooms within the seminary premises. On one floor lived Franciscan Sisters and the next the priests.

The Anglican- convert priest was celebrating Holy Mass with Fr. Jim Brand, who taught that only hatred of God is a mortal sin, Mons. Roderick Strange, the Rector,, who would say salvation, is open to all people and so they do not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation and Fr. Andrew Faley,Vice Rector, who had similar views.

This October is seven years since I was enrolled there.It  must be a disappointment for many that Catholic priests still cannot marry.

It is sad that priests are allowed to marry. This was not so originally with the Orthodox Church. There was a rule that a married Orthodox priest should stay away from his wife for 24 hours before the celebrating of Mass.Now I do not know if even this change in their married rule has been further changed for the Orthdox priests.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It was quite an experience about an hour or so just now.I went up to kiss the relic of a saint as I often do and when I kissed the glass, I looked before me and was sure this looked like a tongue.It was red in some areas and also black.Some areas looked dry others very real.It was the tongue of St.Gaspar del Bufalo I asked myself as I walked back passed where his body is kept in the small church.
Today is the feast day of St.Gaspar del Bufalo,Missionary and preacher of the Precious Blood that saves, founder of two Missionary Congregations and known for his preaching which would make people cry, repent and go for Confession in Rome.
There was a solemn Mass held at the Church.It was focused on the Passion of Our Lord and his Precious Blood. There was the 'rosary' of the Precious Blood  followed by the Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus. The prayers and hymns also made one conscious of the Passion of Our Lord and as if this was the time of Lent.

Finally it is the Passion of our Lord and suffering here that is important in this life. and  not the glamour we are continously being exposed to today.
The Church is situated in a noisy area  and yet within there was such a strong feeling of sanctity .
If you are a tourist in Rome and are before the Trevi Fountain,where people throw coins and make a worldly wish, look to your left. You will see a small church. Within you can venerate the body of St.Gaspar and make a wish that you may have eternal life in heaven after you die.
There is also a small seminary of the community of the Precious Blood which St.Gaspar del Bufalo founded.They have 16 seminarians.

I asked one of them as I was leaving the Church, about the relic, I kissed.
It was the uncorrupted tongue of St.Gaspar del Bufalo!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A professor with a licentiate in theology and and who is a teacher of religion last night a few feet away from the Blessed Sacrament, not partitioned, denied a dogma of the Church before an Italian audience in a small church in the centre of Rome. He  rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Salvation he said was open to all people and we should not have the narrow concept of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He cited Vatican Council II and said non-Catholics can also be saved.So everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church as it was thought in the past. Salvation, like prophecy, was not restricted he believed.

Gianni de Luca, Profesor of Catholic Religion with a licentiate degree in  Theology from the the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas,'Angelicum,’ according to the pamphlets distributed introducing him,was conducting his Bible Study group, on the theme of the Biblical Prophets last night(Monday) at the Church of San Claudio. He was invited there by the Blessed Sacrament Fathers of St. Peter Julian Eymard, the saint of the Eucharist.

Since he rejected extra ecclsiam nulla salus; outside the church no salvation, expectedly he would have difficulty with the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.

God made covenants with the Jewish peoplle through the prophets and expected the people to be obedient he said, in conclusion. The Jews were not obedient. The prophets then said that God put His Covenant in the heart of each person.The prophets say this is the new covenant between God and man. So Gianni de Luca asked, why does the Catholic priest at Mass say that this is the New Covenant? He left his own question unanswered.

He could not say that Jews need to believe in the New Covenant with Jesus to be saved.He criticized the Church’s understanding of the First Commandment and said the real First Commandment is the Shema Israel; the Shema.

When such talks are conducted in a church the Blessed Sacrament is removed or partitioned.He is to continue these talks every Monday with the casket of St. Julian Eymard near him and the Blessed Sacrament behind him.

A full day retreat is to be held on Nov.1, 2009 at the nearby parish Church of San Andrea Della Fratte where a Jew in a flash was shown the beauty of the Catholic Church when he had a vision of Our Lady. Alphonse Ratisbonne became a priest and founded a community of Missionaries in the Middle East for the conversion of the Jews and the Muslims.

Gianni de Luca (Tel: 347-1765301) is being assisted by a Catholic priest Father Igino Troiani.

May be someone could ask this Professor of Theology :-

1) Do Jews need to believe in the New Covenant at be saved?

2) Ad Gentes 7;Vatican Council II refers to the ordinary means of salvation for all people. Lumen Gentium 16,Vatican Council II refers to the extraordinary means of salvation?

3) Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for his belief and teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He was not excommunicated for heresy?

4)The Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) ,1949, to the Archbishop of Boston indicates that the Catholic Church still teaches the ‘dogma’, the ‘infallible’ teaching,extra ecclesiam null salus. So de facto everyone with no exceptions needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. De jure (in principle and theology) there can be exceptions (invincible ignorance, good conscience etc) known only to God?

5) A lay Catholic who rejects a dogma publically is in mortal sin and is not to receive the Eucharist at Holy Mass without Confession and a public rectification of the scandal?

( The Dogmas include  extra ecclsiam nulla salus (Council of Florence ) and Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception.).

Monday, October 19, 2009


Churches in Rome are using kneelers in the centre aisle for distributing Communion. The priest stands behind the kneeler, and places the Eucharist on the tongue of the communicant.

The Franciscan Conventual Church, San Salvatore in Laurea, near Castel San Angelo has a kneeler placed for the Mass in Italian. Some people prefer to receive the Eucharist kneeling. Others receive it standing in front of the kneeler.

At Churches where there is no kneeler you can see people suddenly drop to the floor kneeling and wait for the Eucharist to be placed on their tongue.

At the Church of San Andrea Della Fratte they have a altar railing at the Altar of the Miracle.So people can comfortably kneel and receive the Eucharist there for the 7 a.m Mass celebrated by the Minim Father.

At the Church of the Annunciata near the Vatican they do not have a railing and so for the 10.30a.m  Sunday Mass in Latin they use a kneeler. Everyone uses it for receiving the Eucharist.

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has been giving the Eucharist to communicants-kneeling.

Young people receive the Eucharist with more respect and reverence when they kneel then when they casually receive it in their hand and then place it their mouth.

The priests in Rome have been telling parishioners to consume the Eucharist as soon as they receive it standing and not to walk with the Eucharist in their hand. This was an announcement at the Church of St. Francis Xavier in Garbatella.There a lady would also attend  Mass in Italian in the mornings with a veil .I asked her the reason. She said that she belonged to a Marian group. In other churches too one notices veils at the Italian Novus Ordo Mass.

Recently at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Prati, the ‘Purgatory Church’, there was a young lady wearing a veil.

Those attending the Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome, at a few churches, all kneel and receive the Eucharist and most of them if not all, wear a veil at Mass.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


The celebrations of the 400th death anniversary,concluded today, of the  founder of Propaganda Fide, St. John Leonardi. There was Mass today, Mission Sunday, Oct.18, 2009 at the Vatican . Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect, for the Congregation for the Evangelization of People, presided.

There was Morning Prayer, Lauds, at the Urbania College of Propaganda Fide, where, they have discarded St. John Leonardi’s understanding of the Gospel.

On Oct 16 (Friday) the celebrations included a Mass at which Cardinal T. Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State was the chief celebrant. The cardinal had put aside the teachings of the saint when he wrote to the Chief Rabbi in 2008. He cited an article in the L’Osservatore Romano written by Cardinal Walter Kaspar which said Jews do not have to convert in the present times.

So today priests and nuns say, in error:-

1) Everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church. People can be saved who have a good conscience or are in invincible ignorance.

2) Everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation except those who know about it.

3) The Church does not hold to the rigorist position of Fr. Leonard Feeney that everyone needs to enter the Church to avoid Hell.

These are some of the many errors St. John Leonardi would have worked upon if he was alive today. Errors among those celebrating the 400 anniversary with religious processions and cultural programs in Rome.

At none of the three Masses I attended today did any priest emphasize that: everyone, all, need to de facto enter the Catholic Church, to go to Heaven and avoid Hell-and there are no exceptions. Neither  was this  said  by a nun who works for Propaganda Fide.
The 'fullness of truth’ is in Jesus she said ( 21.08.2009) and non-Catholics in invincible ignorance can be saved.Her 'testimony' is still there on the  internet.
The point missed out by her is: Jesus is the Truth and all non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church; Jesus’ Mystical Body, to be saved. If Jesus is the only Way, Life and the Truth and the Church is His Mystical Body as the Bible tells us, then how can someone be saved who does not knowingly enter the Catholic Church?
Jesus is the ‘fullness of truth’ and only He can judge who is in ‘invincible ignorance’. The sister at Propaganda Fide cannot judge.
Church Councils, including Vatican Council II have taught the dogma, the ‘infallible teaching’ that de facto everyone needs to enter the Mystical Body of Jesus through Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water, to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.This was also the teaching of Propaganda Fide some 400 years back.
Jesus has the ‘fullness of truth’ and so de jure (in principle) non Catholics can be saved through Jesus and the Catholic Church. They can be saved without the Sacraments in the exceptional means to the baptism of water which is the ordinary, normal means of salvation for everyone. Those who are saved exceptionally are known only to God. We cannot judge.
Jesus has the ‘fullness of truth’ and so all non Catholics have to de facto convert into the Catholic Church, for salvation. This is how they respond to Jesus’ Sacrifice, His Death and Resurrection. This is the means God chose for all people to be saved.
Pope Benedict XVI issued a statement for the 400th death anniversary celebrations: he called all of us to live the Gospel, like St.John Leonardi, ‘without compromise’.
The Good News is compromised when we cannot say in public that everybody needs to de facto enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
The Gospel is compromised by cardinals, priests and nuns.It was compromised by those who gave homilies today, World Day for Missions.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The following is an account of that of St.Magdalen de Pazzi a Florentine Carmelite, as it is related in her Life by Father Cepari. It gives more of a picture of Purgatory, whilst the preceding vision (St.Frances)  but traces its outlines.

Some time before her death, which took place in 1607, the Servant of God, Magdalen de Pazzi, being one evening with several other Religious in the garden of the convent, was ravished in ecstasy and saw Purgatory open before her. At the same time, as she made known later, a voice invited her to visit all the prisons of Divine Justice, and to see how truly worthy of compassion are the souls detained there,

At this moment she was heard to say, “Yes I will go”. She consented to undertake this painful journey. In fact, she walked for two hours round the garden, which was very large, pausing from time to time. Each time she interrupted her walk, she contemplated attentively the sufferings which were shown to her. She was then seen to wring her hands in compassion, her face became pale, her body bent under the weight of suffering, in the presence of the terrible spectacle with which she was confronted.

She began to cry aloud in lamentation, “Mercy, My God, mercy! Descend, O Precious Blood, and deliver these souls from their prison. Poor souls! You suffer so cruelly and yet you are content and cheerful. The dungeons of the martyrs in comparison with these were gardens of delight.

Nevertheless there are others still deeper. How happy should I esteem myself were I not obliged to go down into them.”

She did descend, however, for she was forced to continue her way: But when she had taken a few steps, she stopped terror-stricken, and, sighing deeply, she cried,”What! Religious also in this dismal abode! Good God! How they are tormented! Ah Lord!”She does not explain the nature of their sufferings; but the horror which she manifested in contemplating them caused her to sigh at each step. She passed from thence into less gloomy places. They were the dungeons of simple souls, and of children in whom ignorance and lack of reason extenuated many faults. Their torments appeared to her much more endurable than those of the others. Nothing but ice and fire were there. She noticed that these souls had their angel guardians with them, who fortified them greatly by their presence; but she saw also demons whose dreadful forms increased their sufferings.

Advancing a few paces, she saw souls still more unfortunate, and she was heard to cry out,” Oh! How horrible is this place; it is full of hideous demons and incredible torments! Who, O my God, are the victims of these cruel tortures? Alas! They are being pierced with sharp swords, they are being cut into pieces.”She was answered that they were the souls whose conduct had been tainted with hypocrisy.

Advancing a little, she saw a great multitude of souls which were bruised, as it were, and crushed under a press; and she understood that they were those souls who were addicted to impatience and disobedience during life. Whilst contemplating them, her looks, her sighs, her whole attitude betokened compassion and terror.

A moment later her agitation increased, and she uttered a dreadful cry. It was the dungeon of lies which now lay open before hereafter having attentively considered it, she cried aloud, “Liars are confined in a place in the vicinity of Hell, and their sufferings are exceedingly great. Molten lead is poured into their mouths; I see then burn, and at the same time tremble with cold.”

She then went to the prison of those souls which had sinned through weakness, and she was heard to exclaim,”Alas! I had thought to find you among those who have sinned through ignorance, but I am mistaken; you burn with an interior fire.”

Farther on, she perceived souls which had been to much attached to the goods of this world, and had sinned by avarice.

“What blindness,” said she, “thus eagerly to seek a perishable fortune! Those whom formerly riches could not sufficiently satiate, are here gorged with torments. They are smelted like metal in the furnace…”-
Purgatory explained by the lives and legends of the saints by Fr.F.X Schouppe S.J (Tan )

Friday, October 16, 2009


In this lower Purgatory the saint beheld laics and persons consecrated to God. The laics were those who, after a life of sin, had had the happiness of being sincerely converted; the persons consecrated to God were those who had not lived according to the sanctity of their state. At that same moment she saw descend the soul of a priest whom she knew, but whose name she does not reveal. She remarked that he has his face covered with a veil which concealed a stain. Although he had led an edifying life, this priest had not always observed strict temperance and had sought too eagerly the satisfactions of the table.

The saint was then conducted into the intermediate Purgatory, destined for souls which had deserved less rigorous chastisement. It has three distinct compartments; one resembled an immense dungeon of ice cold of which was indescribably intense; the second on the contrary, was like a huge caldron of boiling oil and pitch; the third had the appearance of a pond of liquid metal resembling molten gold or silver.

The upper Purgatory, which the saint does not describe, is the temporary abode of souls which suffer little, except the pain of loss, and approach the happy moment of their deliverance,

Such, in substance is the vision of St. Frances relative to Purgatory, (p.17.Purgatory explained by the lives and legends of the saints by Fr. F.X Schouppe S.J (Tan Books)

Catechism of the Catholic Church (Numbers 1030,1031,1032)


1030 All who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven.

1031 The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned.606 The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire 607

As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire. He who is truth says that whoever utters blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be pardoned neither in this age nor in the age to come. From this sentence we understand that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come.608
1032 This teaching is also based on the practice of prayer for the dead, already mentioned in Sacred Scripture: "Therefore [Judas Maccabeus] made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin."609 From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God.610 The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead:

Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.611
(Emphasis added)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


October 15 is the  feast day of St. Teresa of Avila.

For a day and a half a grave was left open in my convent, waiting for my body, and the rites for the dead were performed at a friary of our Order a short distance away. But it pleased the Lord that I should come round. I immediately asked to confess, and took Communion with many tears. But I do not think my tears came only from pain and sorrow at having offended God, which might have been enough to excuse me, if I had not the additional excuse of having been misled by those priests who had told me that certain things were not mortal sins which certainly were, as I have since seen.-The Life of St. Teresa of Avila Chapter 5 Translated by J.M Cohen.

Teresa says that our soul is created in the image of God. She says God is in the centre of our soul. She compares the soul to a castle with God there in the centre of the castle. The way to reach this centre, she says, is prayer and meditation.

This Castle has many mansions and the soul moves from one mansion to another .The soul has been made, programmed, to do the will of God and to reach Perfection, to reach the centre. This is built in like a teleogical missile or rocket i.e. a rocket which knows before it reaches the target, what is the target and how it will get there. God has built the soul to come back to Him if we just do His Will and not ours.

The soul is like pure light and with great beauty. God built it this way. But when we commit a mortal sin the soul becomes dark. The soul separates itself from God. Since the devil is darkness the soul becomes like the devil. Instead of evolving towards the Sun in the centre of the Soul the soul devolves or remains in the outer mansion only.

All these signs of the fear of God came to me through prayer, and the greatest of these was that I went about enveloped in love, for the thought of punishment no longer occurred to me. All the time that I was so ill, my conscience remained very much awake against mortal sin-The Life of St. Teresa of Avila .Chapter 6
A soul in grace is like a pure fresh stream that helps trees to grow and gives life. A soul in mortal sin is a like a foul smelling dirty stream that pollutes everything. The soul in this state creates misery for itself.

Teresa had the gift to see souls and so she could describe them.

She says we must ask God for two graces 1) A great fear of not offending Him and 2) humility. This is important for the interior journey to God.

In the First Mansion there are millions of souls. They are motivated by good intentions. The soul has to give up its love for its self, advantage and honor to enter the Second Mansion.

In the Second Stanza the devil places obstacles like love for things of the world, ones friends and relatives, guarding ones health during penance and millions of other obstacles.

As we move from the outer mansions closer to God we need to persevere and trust in God, since He knows what is best for us to come to Him. He wants us to come to Him.

The Way is Suffering. The Cross .The more suffering you receive the more freedom and liberty you have. Always choose the Cross she says.

If we do not leave prayer God will show us the way into the Third Mansion.

What is the grace that takes you into the Third Mansion? She can only describe it with the words-Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. It is here that God gives you the gift of a confident conscience.

The Fourth Mansion is a blessed Mansion as one gets closer to the King in the Castle. Here thoughts and evil have less power to distract and trouble us. There are spiritual consolations and sweetness in meditation. To make progress here she says the important thing is not to think much but to love much.

The heavenly grace, the pure fresh water begins to flow from the Source and spreads with goodness, happiness, joy, consolations and mystical states. This happens effortlessly and is a grace here. The will is more closely united to the will of God.

There is the experience of the Prayer of Recollection.

Very few people enter the Fifth Mansion. The soul is conscious of being in union with God. Or that there is such a thing as being in union with God. There is the Prayer of Union here which she describes. The love of ones neighbor takes a new dimension here. It’s importance is realized. One has to proceed carefully here since the Devil is still watching and waiting to send the soul back to the First Mansion.

She cautions that we must withdraw from all possibilities and occasions of sin. We need to be very careful.

In the Fifth Mansion we need to continuously ask God to guard us. Since if he leaves us the soul will fall. The soul may be doing the will of God but the devil distracts the soul with good things, things which are not sins but which will over time gradually take the soul away from the will of God and distract it. It could be like meeting a friend or spending time with a relative.

In the Sixth Mansion God awakens a soul. There are locutions and teachings. Apparitions. There is great tranquility. The soul becomes devout and is easily recollected. Here are raptures and ecstasy. However holy a person is she says he must always keep before him the Humanity of Jesus. She is referring to mental prayer and meditation. This is an anchor in Jesus and prevents the Devil misleading you. The devil is still there waiting for you to fall. Since he knows that in this state a soul can save many others, like did the Catholic saints.

When one enters the Seventh Mansion the Holy Trinity grants knowledge of the Godhead. The soul is helped to go towards perfection says St. Teresa of Avila in the Interior Castle. The soul is aware of being in union with God in a spiritual way. The soul desires to suffer and do the will of God perfectly. There is no more dryness or suffering here as the soul experienced in earlier mansions. There is tranquility. The soul does not want to commit the slightest imperfection.Humility is still the key.

Here she concludes The Interior Castle (Read it online at Catholic First)

Solitude is their delight and they dislike the mere thought of seeing anyone, even a close relative, unless the meeting will help kindle their love of the Bridegroom... (Speaking of her convent of sisters)Their sole conversation is of God, and they understand no one who speaks of anything else, nor do those others understand them. We observe the Rule of Our Lady of Carmel…

…to enjoy the company of their Bridegroom, Christ, in solitude. For this must always be the sole aim of our nuns: to be alone with Him...’-Life of St. Teresa of Avila Chapt.37