Saturday, September 28, 2019

Steve Bannon could take up this issue of Fr. Lobo and that of the Jesuits in the USA, with the U.S Senate House Committee.Lobo and the Gregorian University's dishonesty is also part of the theology of the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops(USCCB).

Fr.Bryan Lobo sj is teaching heresy and irrationality at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. It is unethical and not Catholic.It is dishonest and has the support of the Rector, the Jesuit Superior General and Pope Francis.
Steve Bannon could take up this issue of Fr. Lobo and that of the Jesuits in the USA, with the U.S Senate House Committee.Lobo and the Gregorian University's dishonesty is also part of the theology of the United States Conference for Catholic Bishops(USCCB).
Fr. Lobo teaches a theology of religions in the Department of Missiology at the university. In the past he was the Director of a new Department for the Theology of Religions at this university.
If he was asked about it, like Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, he would refer to Vatican Council II. In principle  they would interpret hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II as being examples of known people saved outside the Church. Unknown non Catholics would become examples of objective and known non Catholics saved outside the Church. This is irrational. They would be saved outside the Church when they are unknown. So 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8), saved with 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11) and other hypothetical cases would be literally known exceptions to the past ecclesiology. This is fantasy theology.
However without  this ruse, which can be avoided today by the Jesuits in Rome, Catholic theology changes.The Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors are no more obsolete.
It is this deception which is used by Fr. Bryan Lobo and the other Jesuits in Rome and it is the same for them in the USA and the rest of the world.
Steve Bannon and Thomas Williams, Bureau Chief in Rome of Breitbart News need to expose this organised deception and force the Jesuits to interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise which creates a break with the traditional doctrines and theology of the Church.
How can a priest knowingly teach a falsehood ?He needs to affirm Tradition, like it was for the Jesuits of the 16th century and teach it to others.-Lionel Andrades 

September 25, 2019

The theology of religions banned by Pope John Paul II(CDF,Notification, Dupuis, 2001) is being taught by Fr. Bryan Lobo sj, at the Department of Missiology of the Pontifical University Gregorian. He also interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to intentionally create a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology and Tradition


May 24, 2019

Pope Benedict and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria supported a theology of religions ! This is heresy


According to the Rector of the Gregorian University Rome, Fr.François-Xavier Dumortier all religions are equal paths to salvation 



eptember 25, 2019

How can the Gregorian University cite Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition and the Jesuits of the 16th century?



September 23, 2019

Fr.Jean Marie Gleize, Fr.Matthias Gaudron,Fr. Francois Laisney and other priests and professors of theology of the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) teach the same mistake in ecclesiology made by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinal Marc Ouelett,Cardinal Walter Kasper and Archbishop Rino Fisichella . Bishop Bernard Fellay is notorious


SEPTEMBER 23, 2019

A clarification needs to be issued by the Vatican

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

For Pope Benedict there is only a hermeneutic of rupture with Vatican Council II since he chooses to interpret the Council with the false premise and inference to change the ecclesiology of the Catholic Church

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

Cardinals and bishops at the Synods, under the influence of Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict rejected exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. They assumed hypothetical and unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc were objective examples of salvation outside the Church. So for them, like it was for Cardinal Ratzinger, the Syllabus of Errors had become obsolete. This is official modernism. The Oath Against Modernism is violated. Also the Oath of Office for religious and bishops, has become modernistic with the New Theology of Rahner and Ratzinger

 SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

There is no unity with the apostles since Cardinal Ratzinger rejects exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

Cardinal Walter Kasper interprets Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases being objective . What is invisible is visible.What is implicit is confused as being explicit.He mixed up what is subjective as being objective.In this way a rupture with the old ecclesiology and the rest of Tradition, is created.His books on ecclesiology with this error are recommended reading at Ecclesiology semesters at the pontifical universities . They are approved by Pope Benedict and now Pope Francis. In an article on Ecclesiology, Cardinal Marc Oulett,uses Cardinal Kasper's books in the reference

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

Pope Benedict's article on ecclesiology is flawed since like Cardinal Kasper he projected what is hypothetical as being non hypothetical, invisible as visible, implicit as explicit and subjective as objective to create a rupture with Tradition and the past ecclesiology. The error is being followed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) . They too interpret Lumen Gentium as contradicting Tradition; the past ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors etc. So the Athanasius Creed is made obsolete and the Nicene Creed changed. They probably knew their theology and ecclesiology is flawed but continue with the error for political reasons. It is unethical and deceptive and not Catholic



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