Sunday, December 29, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology will not comment

Image result for Photo Sister Catherine Joseph Droste O.P
Sr.Catherine Joseph Droste op, is the Dean of Theology at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome and she will not comment on the theological questions I asked her and the faculty. Also Sr. Helen  op,  the Vice Rector  would not comment on similar questions I e-mailed her a few years back.
The two Dominican Sisters at the Angelicum University, I suppose would not allow me to study there. I do not interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and I affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) like St. Dominic.
I accept the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) as being hypothetical, theoretical and speculative only. So for me they cannot be objective exceptions to St. Catherine of Siena's understanding of exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
For the Rector and Vice Rector,though,  the BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS. So they imply that BOD,BOB and I.I are objective and visible non Catholics in the present times. Invisible people cannot be exceptions to EENS. This was the false reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) which was repeated by the Council Fathers at Vatican Council(1965) and Cardinal Ratzinger approved it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, without correcting the error or issuing any clarification.
So the same false premise is being used by the professors at the Angelicum to interpret Vatican Council II, the Catechisms and Creeds.This is first class heresy. With the invisible-people-are-visible-premise the inference and conclusion is non traditional.This can be seen in the teaching in so many semesters according to the Handbook.
 This is not Dominican. It's an obvious error.But it is approved by the Father General of the Dominicans and the present two popes.
This was the error made by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Fr. Luiz Ladaria sj in two papers of the International Theological Commission(ITC).Faculty members of the Angelicum are members of the ITC and theological associations where they assume LG 16 and GS 22  are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is also being taught at the Angelicum in Ecclesiology, by Fr. Francesco Giordano, a diocesan priest.
Discussing this subject seems taboo for the faculty but even the student representatives at the Angelicum.They are told not to comment on this subject or communicate with me.Examinations are held as usual at the Angelicum  and students who have a vocation to the religious life are invited to study there.But they will be taught that Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition even though there is no evidence for it.
We cannot meet or see people in Rome saved outside the Church without 'faith and baptism'(AG 7). There are no known cases of non Catholics saved without 'faith and baptis' and instead as referenced in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc.Where are the cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church with elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8) or  with good will(GS 22) ?
This is irrational. It is a rupture with Dominican Studies over the centuries  before the 1930's and 40's.Recently a Maronite priest agreed with me. He said there are no known cases of a non-Catholic saved in invincible ignorance and if anyone was saved as such it would only be known to God.Yet if  Maronite seminarians from Lebanon , at the Pontifical Maronite College in Rome, were to study at the Angelicum their thesis would have to be outside the Church there is known salvation.
This was the thesis of Fr. Giordano under Bishop Charles Morerod op, the former Rector at the Angelicum. He gave Fr.Giordano an academic degree with a  thesis saying Fr. Leonard Feeney was wrong and the Holy Office 1949 was correct.
Then with the same reasoning on the subject of no salvation outside the Church, Giordano  collected a Doctorate from the Opus Dei, Santa Croce University in Rome.In a few months he will be part of the annual March for Life in Rome, along with Fr.Shenan Boquet, the Human Life International,  President ,  telling Catholics they should not abort or contracep.
For Fr. Giordano , the Holy Spirit teaches the Church that invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This semester he also teaches studies on the Holy Spirit(Pneumatology).
This semester Fr. Giordano teaches  The Salvation of Non Christians in St. Thomas Aquinas' Corpus.The bibliography includes Ralph Martins, Will Many Be Saved. Martin is a Cushingite like Giordano.For both of them, possibilities of salvation, which exist only in our mind, are objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.If Ralph Martin does not repeat this nonsense Robert Fastiggi will not allow him to teach theology at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, USA.A professor emerges a liberal and gets the mandatum to teach theology from the  bishop, only when he uses the false premise to interpret the Council.
This semester, according to the Handbook,the Dominicans  T.Michelt,Stancati,Weimann,Ellul,Rossi,Destivelle,Keramidas,Buckles,Bonino,Sullivan,Blankenhorn  and others interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise. So there is a rupture with the past ecclesiology. These are new Dominican Studies in innovation.This is unethical and immoral. They continue with the false interpretation of the Council even after being informed. 
Cartherine Droste teaches this semester on the mortal theology of St.Thomas Aquinas! She also teaches a  semester  on the cardinal virtues!
E.Sullivan op teaches on the subject of The Virtue of faith and Contrary Vices, and the subject of heresy and blasphemy while he rejects the Athanasius Creed like the rest of the faculty.He changes the interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms, like the rest of the faculty and this is not heresy in an Aquinas sense, for them.
The Faculty of Theology would want to keep all this hidden so I , and conservative students, would not be allowed to study at the Angelicum.It is the same with the Legion of Christ university, the Regina Apostolorum, in Rome (UPRA).
Sr.Catherine Droste was only recently allowed to  complete here theological studies at the Angelicum.Since she interpreted Vatican Council II with the false premise. Now after being informed she does not comment on the error but continues to teach it.This is un-ethical academically.
With the false premise she changes the understating of the Nicene and Apostles Creed and rejects the Athanasius   Creed. This is  a mortal sin of faith . She needs to end the scandal , receive Absolution in the Sacrament of Reconciliation  and then receive the Eucharist at Holy Mass. This Christmas she has  chosen to stay in Rome and not go home for the holidays.I last  saw her at the Altar of the Miracle in the church of San Andrea delle Fratte, Rome.Otherwise she can be seen riding her bicycle to the Angelicum, from the nearby convent where she lives. 

Jesus has said that those who deny Him he will deny before the Father in heaven . The present Dominicans  are denying the necessity of believing in Jesus in only the Catholic Church for salvation.So there is really no real Thomistic studies at the Angelicum.There is a disconnect with the past Dominicans.
They interpret Unitatis Redintigratio in Vatican Council II as mentioning exceptions to the old ecumenism of return of the Catholic Church. So UR 3 ( Christians saved in imperfect communion with the Church) would refer to visible Christians saved outside the Church.Otherwise, how could they be exceptions to an ecumenism of return and the past ecclesiology.
For me,UR 3 refers to only a hypothetical case. It cannot be anything else. So there can be no theological basis in Vatican Council II (UR ) for the present new ecumenism. Similarly Ut Unum Sint of Pope John Paul II mentions the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church and accepting the pope. 
There there is nothing in Lumen Gentium, for me, which would contradict the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. But don't tell this to the Dominican professors. They couldn't care. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to only theoretical, hypothetical and speculative cases.They exist only in our mind. While Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation. Ad Gentes 7 refers to the norm for salvation as it was known to the popes over the centuries in their interpretation of the Bible.So this means  all non Christian professors at the Angelicum , could be oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church with faith and the baptism of water. (They cannot choose to convert with the baptism of desire.Only the baptism of water is repeatable and can be administered).
This is the teaching of Vatican Council II interpreted rationally and not just a personal opinion. The message is there in the text of the Council and it supports the Magisterium over the centuries on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Vatican Council II is Feeneyite and Dominican but Dominicans are no more in search of the truth. They have found the comfortable life of compromise in Rome.-Lionel Andrades


DECEMBER 15, 2019

Catherine Joseph Droste

Sister Catherine Joseph Droste o.p., is the Dean of Theology at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) Rome.I have 10 simple questions for her and the faculty.


DECEMBER 16, 2019

 DECEMBER 14, 2019

Image result for Angelicum University Rome Photos At the Angelicum University, Rome , the rector, faculty and students fake it in their understanding of Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 14, 2019 

DECEMBER 13, 2019
To reject a conservative Catholic student, who affirms EENS, Vatican Council II, all the Catechisms and the Syllabus of Errors is unfair. It is unfair to tell him that Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally, contradicts Tradition
DECEMBER 11, 2019
Sr.Elisa Ann Nutt will defend her doctoral thesis tomorrow at the Angelicum University and her moderator will be Prof. Wojciech Giertych o.p, the papal theologian : both interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the rest of the students and faculty
DECEMBER 10, 2019
Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return 
DECEMBER 11, 2019
At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest

JULY 23, 2018
Related image Image result for Photos of outside the Church there is no salvation Image result for Photos of outside the Church there is no salvation Fr.Francesco Giordano and faculty at Angelicum interpret Aquinas with Cushingism 

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