Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Michelt, Stancati, Weimann, Ellul, Rossi, Destivelle, Keramidas, Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn, Giordano and other professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, the whole group, are interpreting Lumen Gentium 8 etc as being exceptions to 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)- when they are not.

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MicheltStancatiWeimannEllulRossiDestivelleKeramidas, Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn, Giordano and other professors  at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, the whole group, are interpreting Lumen Gentium 8 etc as being exceptions to 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)- when they are not.
So there is a new ecclesiology for Professor Stancati, since invisible cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, etc are visible exceptions to the past ecclesiocentric ecclesiology of the Church. But a  calculated rupture with Tradition is created. There is a new concept of ecclesiology and it can be read in the university Handbook(2019-2020) on line( see below). 
For me LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc refer to hypothetical  and theoretical cases in 1965-2019. So they are not practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. They are not literal and known people saved outside the Church. So there is no new theology for me.-Lionel Andrades

TI 1318 Il mistero della Chiesa. 5 ECTS
Il mysterium Ecclesiæ: metodologia teologica ed ecclesiologia. La teologia della Chiesa nel
Nuovo Testamento. L’ecclesiologia patristica: caratteri principali. Introduzione teologica alla nuova ecclesiologia cattolica del Concilio Vaticano II: la Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa Lumen Gentium. Analisi particolareggiata e commento teologico dei temi biblico-teologici più rilevanti dei capp. I-III della Lumen Gentium.

N.B. I restanti capitoli della Lumen Gentium saranno oggetto dello studio personale dello studente sul testo di base suggerito (o su altro testo concordato col Docente).

BIBLIOGRAFIA: T. STANCATI, Ecclesiologia biblica e dogmatica, Ed. Domenicane Italiane,
Napoli 2008; B. FORTE, La Chiesa della Trinità, Ed. San Paolo, 1995; G. PHILIPS, L’Église et son mystère, Desclée, Paris 19755; trad. it. La Chiesa e il suo mistero nel Concilio Vaticano II, Jaca Book, Milano 19822.

T. STANCATI, O.P. Mer. 10.30-12.15 Ven.11.30-12.15



DECEMBER 30, 2019

Angelicum Dean of Theology un-ethical : no denial or clarification from her

 DECEMBER 30, 2019

Professors would violate the Principle of Non Contradiction of Aristotle and they would be teaching us about Aristotle and Plato

DECEMBER 30, 2019

I am not allowed to study philosophy or theology at the Angelicum University,Rome since I interpret Vatican Council II rationally .But non Catholics who do not accept Vatican Council II, are permitted to enroll, and proclaim my faith honestly.This is discrimination based upon religion

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