Friday, January 31, 2020

The only blog in the whole world which has been reporting on an objective error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, an error made by liberal and traditional Catholics.

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Lionel's Blog is the only blog in the whole world which has been reporting on an objective error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, an error made by liberal and traditional Catholics. Every one was following everyone else's mistake in the interpretation of the Council.
Paul Lakeland wrote a book on Vatican Council II in which he wrongly assumed Lumen Gentium was a break with the past ecclesiology of the Church. I pointed it out to him. There is no denial from him.
Gavin D'Costa  made the same mistake on Vatican Council II. There is no denial from him.
George Weigel made the same error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. It was the same with the other scholars at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington. I informed them. There is no denial from any of them.
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Michael Sean Winters did a review of the book by Fr. Jared Wicks sj on Vatican Council II and I wrote about the error and informed him. There is no denial from Winters or any of the other correspondents of the National Catholic Reporter.
Massimo Faggioli and John Allen Jr. have been informed many times.
Even at traditionalist and sedevacantist seminaries this is the general wrong understanding on Vatican Council . They have not yet published books without the error.
Church Militant TV posted a report by Jim Russel interpreting Vatican Council II as a rupture with Feeneyite EENS. This was after Michael Voria interviewed Brother Andre Marie MICM, the Prior at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire.

Fondazione Ratzinger
Premio Ratzinger 2018
Popes, cardinals and bishops need to remove their articles on Vatican Council II from the Internet and re-write their position on the Council.They need to clarify that LG 8 etc are not exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Athanasius Creed ( outside the Church no salvation), the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27 Q Outside the Church there is no salvation) and Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441 on extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
 Image result for photo Ignatius Press  fr. fesio
Ignatius Press need to pull back the books by Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict and not accept manuscripts from authors who interpret the Council with the false premise( invisible people are visible on earth in the present times) and false inference( they are visible examples of salvation outside the Church) and false conclusion( Vatican Council II contradicts the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church, an ecumenism of return and Feeneyite EENS).-Lionel Andrades


NOVEMBER 20, 2019

 NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The National Catholic Reporter reviews of the books

 by Fr. Jared Wicks sj and Prof. Paul Lakeland on 

Vatican Council II were flawed. The authors made 

a mistake ( Graphics)


NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The National Catholic Reporter's reviews of the books by Fr. Jared Wicks sj and Prof. Paul Lakeland on

 Vatican Council II, were flawed.The authors had made a mistake. Vatican Council II was interpreted

 by them with false reasoning.The NCR must admit it. Both authors read the Council superficially.

Then they assumed hypothetical cases were objective exceptions to the past ecclesiology of the Church.

 This is irrational. So the authors conclusions and those of the editors and correspondents of the NCR 

were irrational, non traditional and an artifical rupture with Catholic theology and doctrines on salvation 


NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Massimo Faggioli and Michael Sean Winters liberalism was based on an irrational

 interpretation of Vatican Council II.The National Catholic Reporter had two 

books reviewed, which interpreted Vatican Council II with the superficial and false

 reasoning.The books were authored by Paul Lakeland  and Fr. Jared Wicks sj.

NOVEMBER 19, 2019

Michael Sean Winters and Massimo Faggioli have

converted ?

NOVEMBER 19, 2019

The Vatican websites in general have a mistake in 

the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

NOVEMBER 19, 2019

Image result for Photo Archbishop Lefebvre

I am not a Lefebvrist or modernist from Boston College.

Both groups interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

NOVEMBER 18, 2019

I told the bishop that every one interprets Vatican 
Council II in the wrong way and it must be the same
 in his diocese in Africa

NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Image result for Photos of  Eugenio Scalfari e papa Francesco photosImage result for Vatican Insider Tornielli La Stampa Photo

Pope Francis needs to tell Eugenio Scalfari that 

articles and reports in his newspaper on Vatican 

Council II have a built-in error : Andrea Tornielli 

needs to clean up the Vatican websites which 

carry the same mistake

NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Image result for Photo dustbin for books

Operation Dustbin


 NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The National Catholic Reporter reviews of the books by Fr. Jared Wicks sj and Prof. Paul  Lakeland on Vatican Council II, were flawed.The authors 

had made a mistake. Vatican Council II was interpreted by them with 

false  reasoning.The NCR must admit it. Both authors read the Council 

superficially.Then they assumed hypothetical cases were objective 

exceptions to the past ecclesiology of the Church. This is irrational.

 So the authors conclusions and those of the editors and 

correspondents  of the NCR were  irrational, non traditional 

and an artifical rupture with  Catholic theology and  doctrines

 on salvation etc.


NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Massimo Faggioli and Michael Sean Winters liberalism was based on an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II....

JANUARY 11, 2020

The professors Tangorra, Fuss,Chenaux, Nardin,Ciola, Zak and Ferri tell students at the St. John Lateran University Rome to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and Pope Francis and Pope Benedict approve it. Otherwise the Council would support the past ecclesiology, the Syllabus of Errors of Pius IX and Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and this would not be approved by the Left, which represents Satan

JANUARY 10, 2020

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Professors Tangorra, Fuss,Chenaux, Nardin,Ciola, Zak, Ferri and others do not tell students at the St. John Lateran University, Rome that Vatican Council II does not mention any exception to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), as it was known to Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.


DECEMBER 31, 2019

Michelt, Stancati, Weimann, Ellul, Rossi, Destivelle, Keramidas, Buckles, Bonino, Sullivan, Blankenhorn, Giordano and other professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas Rome, the whole group, are interpreting Lumen Gentium 8 etc as being exceptions to 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)- when they are not.

JANUARY 4, 2020

The Handook of Studies of the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome ( Ordo) shows like the Handook of Studies of the Angelicum University Rome ( 2019-2020) that Vatican Council II is interpreted irrationally to create a rupture with traditional mission doctrine, the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, an ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the miissionaries in the 16th century

DECEMBER 18, 2019


La Sapienza University Rome has a Faculty of Law(Jurisprudenza) which interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise

JANUARY 9, 2020

 Image result for Photo Mary Ellen Mahon ManchesterImage result for Photo Mary Ellen Mahon Manchester

Mary Ellen Mahon, Director of Education in the Diocese of Manchester, USA and Brother Andre Marie MICM,Prior at St. Benedict Center are contradicted by the professors at the St. John Lateran University Rome




 DECEMBER 14, 2019

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At the Angelicum University, Rome , the rector, faculty and students fake it in their understanding of Vatican Council II

DECEMBER 14, 2019

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Fr.Thomas Weinandy's ecclesiology is flawed

DECEMBER 14, 2019

If Aquinas was alive the CDF would send him a notice

DECEMBER 13, 2019

To reject a conservative Catholic student, who affirms EENS, Vatican Council II, all the Catechisms and the Syllabus of Errors is unfair. It is unfair to tell him that Vatican Council II, interpreted irrationally, contradicts Tradition

DECEMBER 11, 2019

Sr.Elisa Ann Nutt will defend her doctoral thesis tomorrow at the Angelicum University and her moderator will be Prof. Wojciech Giertych o.p, the papal theologian : both interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like the rest of the students and faculty

DECEMBER 10, 2019

Image result for Ut Unum Sint  corso ecumenismo Roma Angelicum photo

There is a formation course at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas, on the new ecumenism, titled Ut Unum Sint which interprets Unitatis Reintigratio in Vatican Council II has having exceptions to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return

DECEMBER 11, 2019

At the Angelicum and Gregorian University,Rome, they approve doctoral thesis only of students who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.This is unethical and dishonest


July 25, 2018

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