Saturday, June 20, 2020

SBC tell the CDF that you will not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II like the Oblate Dean of Theology in Texas

Dr. Scott Woodward, the Academic Dean of Theology of the Oblate School of Theology,San Antonio, Texas,USA was interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a 'the hermeutic of rupture' with extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).1 He was publically denying EENS with a false premise, in his ignorance. But  the St. Benedict Centers in the USA, the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney, cannot interpret Vatican Council II in the same way,since  they have been informed  about this mistake.

Ralph Martin Edward Feser: A further reply to Fastiggi, etc.
It unethical, for example, for Prof. Robert Fastiggi and Prof. Ralph Martin, at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary,Detroit,USA, to continue to interpret Vatican Council II  with the false premise since they understand the mistake.
Fr. Michal Paluch OP (Rector... - Pontifical University of St ...
Similarly, it is unethical for Sister Catherine Droste OP,Dean of Theology, at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas( Angelicum) Rome,and Prof. Francesco Giordano, at the Angelicum,  to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise,  to create an artificial rupture with Tradition, especially EENS.They know the mistake being forced upon them by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the present two popes.
The CDF is interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise and Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Bishop Athanasius Schneider will not correct the mistake.
There is nothing in Lumen Gentium to contradict the past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
There is nothing in Unitatitis Redintigratio to contradict EENS and the past understanding of ecumenism.
Nostra Aetate can no where state that there is personally known salvation outside the Church which contradists EENS. If someone was saved outside the Church without faith and baptism it would only be known to God.

So the St. Benedict Centers must be aware of this common mistake.If they do not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise, they will negate Feeneyite EENS. The CDF is using the false premise, to interpret Vatican Council II, to create a rupture with EENS, as did the Holy Office (CDF) in the 1949 Letter.This is a new tradition in the Catholic Church.It was not  part of the Deposit of the Faith over the centuries before the 1930's.

Bishop Robert McManus and his Curia in the Diocese of Worcester, USA are interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise like Dr.Scott Woodward, the Dean of Theology, at the Oblate School of Theology, Texas.This is condoned by Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, the Superior at the St. Benedict Center, Still River in the diocese of Worcester. Brother  Thomas Augustine does not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise  to avoid the break with 19th century EENS.
He should be affirming Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and EENS( Feeneyite).
Things have become easier  for him.Why reject the Council ? It is not a rupture with EENS.
Pope Benedict wanted the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) to accept Vatican Council II( Cushingite) for canonical status. So Vatican Council II is important.
Catholic traditions are not all sacrosanct, says cardinal
Who We Are | Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Cardinal Braz de Avez wanted the Franciscans of the Immaculate to affirm Vatican Council II( Cushingite) for canonical recognition. So Vatican Council II is important.
Vatican Council II is important for them. Fine, Brother Thomas Augustine should go ahead and affirm the Council ( Feeneyite) and ask the CDF to do the same.
Tell the CDF that you will not use the false premise like the Oblate Dean of Theology at Texas.

Call upon Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj to correct the mistake at the Placquet Deo Press Conference. Tell him to announce that Lumen Gentium 8( subsistit ) always refers to a theoretical and hypothetical situation. It is not an exception to EENS. 
Tell Archbishop Carlo Vigano to announce that Vatican Council II is not an exception to the 'strict interpretation' of EENS.

Tell Bishop Athanasius Schneider  to announce that Vatican Council II does not contradict the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( ecumenism, salvation outside the Church).
Ask the FSSP priests who offer Mass in Latin, to clarify that the ecclesiology of the Church, before and after Vatican Council II, is the same and there are no exceptions mentioned in Lumen Gentium.eucharistandmission: Church Militant TV slanders Brother Andre ...

Ask Archbishop Morandi to acknowledge the mistake in the 2016 CDF Letter to Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior, St.Benedict Center Richmond, N.H , USA, with reference to CCC 847-848 being an exception to EENS.
Refuse canonical recognition until the Vatican affirms Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).-Lionel Andrades


 JUNE 19, 2020

Academic Dean of Oblate School of Theology,uses a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II to create a non traditional conclusion and the hermeneutic of rupture

JUNE 19, 2020

Bishop McManus and Bro. Thomas Augustine do not affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise : canonical recognition is maintained (Graphics)

JUNE 19, 2020

Canonical recognition for those who use the false premise : Brother Thomas Augustine MICM and St. Benedict Center , Still River approved

UNE 18, 2020
St.Benedict Center Richmond N.H need to affirm in public Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) by doing this they do not allow people to label them ultra traditionalist or schismatics

JUNE 18, 2020

CDF officially asks SBC to follow an error: victory for Americanists ( Graphics )

JUNE 18, 2020

The CDF error is supported by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the Lefebvrists and Cardinal Walter Kasper and the liberals

JUNE 18, 2020

Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, Superior, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St.Benedict Center Still River, MA, USA, is in full communion with Bishop Robert McManus, the Bishop of Worcester, USA and the CDF since he interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference to create a rupture with Tradition

JUNE 17, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano must see the error in the CDF Letter to the St. Benedict Center : all religious communities must use the false premise

JUNE 17, 2020

Archbishop Vigano, CDF and Lefebvrists want the St. Benedict Center to use a false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, Creeds and Catechisms to create an artitifical rupture with EENS

JUNE 17, 2020

Vigano, Schneider and Lefebvrists keep silent when the Diocese of Manchester, the liberals and the political Left (ADL, SPLC) place ' strict canonical prohibitions and obligations' upon the St.Benedict Center for not affirming EENS with a false premise and inference.

 JUNE 17, 2020

Even if the Catholic Church is infiltrated Dr.Taylor Marshall can still interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. He could interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism and not Cushingism.

JUNE 16, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism : rupture with Athanasius Creed created

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